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YRG is a gang affiliated with their kingpin Yourragegaming.Make sure to not mess with this gun because it's full of huge heavy ALPHA MALES.NO BETAS!!!


by #1Drosefanandyrgalpha January 1, 2022

37👍 5👎

YRG Curse

The YRG is a curse caused by twitch streamer YourRage. The curse is caused when someone makes fun of YourRages glass knees and shoulders causing them to get injured.

Homie : Aye you hear that AMP Chris got hurt after making YourKnee jokes.

Me: Damn that’s tuff he really got the YRG Curse.

Homie : You remember when we were watching the stream last night and I said Rage Bones Are Weak and he’s made of glass.

Me: Yeah, Why?

Homie: Well........... my knee has been hurting

Me: LMAOOOOOOOOO. Imagine can’t be me.

by YourFavoriteGrunt June 27, 2021

129👍 6👎

YRG Robotics

YRG Robotics is the company that manufactures YourRage's bionic knees and shoulders. They have been working with YourRage since his knees broke and deliver top quality robotic body parts.

Person 1: I thought YourRage was never gonna walk again?
Person 2: That was the case but YRG Robotics hooked him up with some new knees.

by iHaveNoKnees January 4, 2022


Social Rejects who steal their mommy and daddy’s cwedit cawd 🥺. They are the bedrock of the soil grunts walk on. They worship their lord and savior Joshy Poo.

Ex.1: “Did you see Paul get milk poured on his head?”
“Yea he’s probably a YRG Sub.”
“HAHAHA yea probably fuckin social reject.”

by Josh’s Bidet July 25, 2021

32👍 10👎

YRG Destiny

YRG Destiny is the ruler of chubby cheeks and owns the Zakashi server you don’t mess with this guy or he will either be extremely nice or extremely weird

YRG Destiny is the best user to touch discord

by Zakashi community June 10, 2021

3👍 7👎


a gang of the twitch streamer yourrage gaming where people are all alpha males SIKE they all have no knees, arms and shoulders because their mothers knocked them off and some of them fap them off.

YRG a pussio blud

by BBCInYourMother May 29, 2022

yrg quan

a failed rapper who’s clinging on to relevancy

Person 1: “Yo did you hear that new Shawn824?”
Person 2: “What kind of question is that! Of course not 🤣 YRG Quan been fell off

by Yrg cracker February 7, 2022