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Your Opinion

Your opinion is bad, unlike mine (Gabe Doodle0

"omg, your opinion is so shit!11!"

by Gabe Doodle on DevianART April 19, 2022

sharing your opinion

The best way to piss everyone in the room off.

When Jeff started sharing your opinion everyone got pissed off.

by Anomysnognd June 5, 2017

Thanks for your opinion

A very nice and polite way of calling someone a jerk.

"You're so short. So short, in fact, that you couldn't jump over a corgi if you tried."

"Alright, thanks for your opinion."

by Moon Worshiper August 30, 2022

fuck your opinion

Smd just cause ur mad that ur name don't mean shit don't mean u gotta be a hating bitch if u don't fuck with the trend them don't say nun smh

Bitch: Fuck what your name means

Non-bitches: Fuck your opinion

by ahhahyoumad November 25, 2021

your opinion is not needed

The title says it all

Your opinion is not needed m8

by hollaback-girl April 3, 2016

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You are entitled to your opinion

Considered a safe phrase
1. To agree to disagree
2. You have the right to your opinion, but at the same time go fuck yourself; and the horse you road up on

Person 1:
"I don't care to much for your overused phrases"

Person 2:
"Well, you are entitled to your opinion"

Person 1:
Yes, indeed I am.

playing it safe....huh?

by Therealbigrichard July 22, 2014

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you're entitled to your opinion

Shorthand for "I think you're a stupid fucking bottom feeding waste of oxygen for saying this. Seriously, how do you get yourself dressed in the morning without hurting yourself? People like you should be aborted to save the gene pool. You make me sick and I hope you and your children die from horrific torture and rape."

Person A: You know, I don't agree with what Trump's doing, but he has said some good things about getting China involved with North Korea.
Person B: Well, you're entitled to your opinion.

by Lemley Z August 13, 2017