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(Pseudo) Abbreviation, coined in RuNet, derived from the Russian word "zeyebis", which broadly means "really fucking good".

- Do you like my new haircut?
- ?
- Really fucking good!!!

by Murdoc Kylburne January 27, 2020

ZB Genius

A guy who made an amazing furry movie on YouTube

Furry Forest by ZB Genius is my favorite hentai

by Yfmfan69 July 26, 2021


Zesty boner

Cam is a ZB

by Big rock beater April 24, 2023


ZB can mean one of the following things: "Zaiga Baha", "Zvaigznīšu Brīdis" or "Zajebal"

1 -You ZB me so much!
2 -What's wrong with Zaiga Baha?

1 -ZB!!!!(loudly)
2 -There is no Zvaigznīšu Brīdis happening right now buddy, calm down.

by heheee ;) November 7, 2020


a way to say fuck somebody with super in their name

supermees is bad ZB)

by HonkyManStan April 12, 2023