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Passive Abduction

The use of influence, guilt trips and essentially any other spoken or emotional trigger to get a person to a location they would otherwise not voluntarily go to.

I used a bit of passive abduction to get Fred to my meeting.

by KerrBox July 29, 2009

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Alien Abduction

The night after a lot of drinking when you wake up and can't rememeber the events of the previous night. And, your butt kind of hurts or you have a mysterious bruise that you don't know how you got.

Guy 1: Dude, how did you get that bruise?

Guy 2: I don't know, I guess I had an Alien Abduction last night.

by Tempted November 10, 2007

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alien abduction

The act of waking up naked on your bathroom floor in a puddle of your own stool and vomit after a night of heavy drinking.

His mother found him following an alien abduction, so she washed him off in the shower and put him to bed.

by sixtoe March 19, 2011

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Shoulder Abduction

1. Occurs when the arms are raised above the head during a process such as manufacturing for a period of time. Can lead to long term health issues.

2. The feeling in the shoulder region that may result after the day of a muscle strain or accident.

Frank: How are you doing today, Jared?
Jared: Okay I guess. But my shoulder has been abducted.
Frank: What does that mean? Are you jacking with me?
Jared: Well, I was doing fine until a hallway elf tripped me and abducted my shoulder. Now I suffer from shoulder abduction.

by Windomtransportation765 December 20, 2012

image abduction

When some idiot leaves their account to e-mail, facebook, myspace etc. open on a computer that does not belong to them allowing someone else to get on your account.

Brittany left her facebook account open at best buy, I'm about to committ image abduction.

by saldany November 25, 2010

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klansmen abduction

The act of using a sheet or a bag over the head to kidnap something.

Karis used the klansmen abduction move to get rid of a squirel in the bedroom

by LuckyCharms480 June 28, 2010

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alien abduction survivor

An individual who returns to their life on Earth after being kidnapped by extra-terrestrials.

"No one believes me when I tell them that I am an alien abduction survivor. I was taken by aliens for a whole week about 5 years ago...I don't remember much, its all a blur..."

by yes juanito yes February 17, 2012

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