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sexually accurate

A term used to describe when something is satisfactory in a manner seemingly sexual, but has no relation to sex itself. Can be used to describe to describe cuts of meat, an event, or a person.

(1) How do you like your steak?
sexually accurate

(2) Hey how was the party last night?
Oh great! i met this chick that was sooo sexually accurate
What does that even mean?
Actually, sexually accurate is a word.

by Dr. Segreto May 9, 2011

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Ridonkulously Accurate

Having an error of 0.00000004%. common jargon used in numerical methods

The Runge kutta method gives ridonkulously accurate results.

by mechE621 April 10, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Biblically accurate

Anything with a strange, weird, terrifying, or generally unusual physical appearance. Clipping of "biblically accurate angel".

I forgot the word for "cancerous tumor", so I called it a "biblically accurate growth".

by chickenstealer June 30, 2022

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Scientifically Accurate Ducktales

A song produced by Animation Domination High-Def and uploaded onto YouTube which was later deleted.

Lyrics of Scientifically Accurate Ducktales:

Did you know ducks are necrophiles?
That's duck science
They don't have sphincters, dump in piles
That's why ducks don't buy pants

And we have to face this
Male ducks are rapists!

DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Scientifically accurate
DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Crazy, pooping birds should go to duck jails...

Then there's the whole pool of gold
Scrooge won't write a check
And whether he was young or old
If he dived in, he'd break his neck

A gold pile looks neat
But it's hard as concrete!

DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Scientifically accurate--

D-D-D-Danger, a duck's behind you
Boy or girl, a duck will grind you
Also, ducks are cannibals, true

DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Have salmonella and H5N1 bird flu! Whoo-ooh!
Scientifically accurate
DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!

Last verse is on genitalia
So stay in your places
Because ducks hump so much,
Girl ducks have vagina mazes

To screw around this,
Ducks grew a corkscrew phallus!

DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Disgusting, crapping, cannibalistic
DuckTales! Whoo-ooh!
Penis in the shape of a corkscrew

by WhoDatFreshBoi June 5, 2019

Biblically Accurate Angel

A terrifying being sent from god to give humans orders. They typically looks like wheels within wheels spinning around each other with many eyes. Sometimes they are even flaming. The cherubim look like a thing with the head of a man, a ox, a eagle. And a lion. They fly with two wings and have two wings covering their body. They have the feet shaped like a cow’s hooves. Angels are specifically designed to look like that to scare off demons. They typically say β€œbe not afraid” because of their appearance. Angels serve god.

Carol: β€œOh wow! Susan, your child looks like a biblically accurate angel!”

Susan: β€œthanks! :p

The child: πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



by Stinkerbell June 17, 2021

dead on balls accurate

an automotive industry term used to describe something that is 100% exact

The oil gauge is 100% dead on balls accurate

by nick_g July 15, 2011

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Accurate Freight System

A system for freight that is always accurate.

Do you need freight transported accurately? use accurate freight system

by 14752ewsdc October 29, 2018