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aeroplane food

1. Something the airlines use as an excuse to charge you more.

2. A plastic container with words like 'Chicken and Rice', or 'Cottage Pie' printed on the lid, but which contains nothing that could be mistaken for these things.

3. A potent diarrhetic and/or poison. With this feature, aeroplane food was a key weapon during the cold war.

Passenger: "Oh Stewardess, there's a rat in my aeroplane food!"
Flight Stewardess: "No sir, that IS your aeroplane food."

BA, BOAC and Cathay Pacific all serve 'aeroplane food'.

by Jamie Douglas December 4, 2006

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aeroplane blonde

A woman who looks blonde, but she has a black box.

look at her roots, you can tell she's an aeroplane blonde.

by Gavmonty July 5, 2003

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Aeroplane Blonde

Woman who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has black pubic hair, i.e "A Black Box"

Nah John, my wifes not a natural blonde, she's an aeroplane blonde mate, always carries a black box

by Bougmont July 14, 2008

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Aeroplane Blonde

Woman who has bleached/dyed her hair but still has black pubic hair, i.e "A Black Box"

Nah John, my wifes not a natural blonde, she's an aeroplane blonde mate, always carries a black box

by Bougmont July 14, 2008

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Aeroplane dress

A very short dress.

What a slut, that aeroplane dress is so short you can almost see her cockpit!

by Rotten Ronnie June 19, 2008

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Aeroplane Blonde

Not a natural blonde, ie. one with a black box

Do you think Christina Aguilera's hair is naturally that colour, or is she an aeroplane blonde?

by Dainty Lardarse August 15, 2015

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Gay Fucking Aeroplanes

fucking aeroplanes that are gay, but this is not a bad thing, for being gay is fucking awesome and y'all should try it. gay fucking aeroplanes are the best fucking aeroplanes.

Byornj: "I just saw some gay fucking aeroplanes go by! How snazzy!"

by gayfuckingaeroplanemaster January 29, 2021