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different to the normal

by paul of death October 24, 2003

104๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alternative is whatever you define it as. Whether you see alternative as emo, punk, goth, stoner,( which are all just pointless, ignorant, stupid labels made by stupid people who cant use thier brains to think for themselves ) doesnt matter. A person may dress "gothic" but that doesnt make them goth. They are just being themselves.And that is what being alternative means- being yourself, and not letting others tell you how to act and how to be. Being alternative means that you are yourself, and that you dont label yourself as anything. The people who say " I'm Goth" or "I'm Punk" arent really so.

Leave the stupid stereotypes and get with the real picture. Let people be who they want and live their lives. Alternative , in simple terms, is just being yourself, being a little different and out there occasionally, and just being your own person. And by the way - even if someone appears to be the stereotype of something - goth jock punk emo whatever - they can still be alternative. Its your personality - not your looks - that makes someone alternative.

Ignorant Fool - "Hey look at that kid. He's wearing black clothes and eyeliner. He must be some gothic fag!

( Fag is another word that all the idiotic, small minded, judgemental ignorant people use to put down homosexuals or anyone different to them. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with homosexuals. They are living people, just like everyone else, and should be given every single right that heterosexual people have.)

Alternative Kid - (In Response) " Hey look at that kid. He's using stereotypes to judge me just because I dont behave like an immature moron or look like he does - he obviously has no idea what alternative means! I wonder if he has any idea how ignorant and stupid he sounds right now ?"

by "Mizuti" July 4, 2006

314๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alternative applies to people, usually fairly young people (young at heart at least!), that do not fit into any particular subculture but are definitely not townies or any other 'mainstream' types.

Personally, I like lots of different music, from Joy Division to Alanis Morissette and Nirvana. Because this is not 'cool' music (if by cool you mean mindless shite like hip hop and garage, yo, yo me-freestyle bollocks that townies like!) I would call it alternative music which therefore makes me alternative.

So basically, alternative is the best term to label yourself with if you want to position yourself outside of the mainstream without tying yourself down to a particualar subculture, such as goth or grunger

Townie (who happens to white, who would have thunk it!)- What tha fucks wrong with yo, turn dat Nirvana shit off and spin some of deez tunes on ya deck. Me got de Blazing Squad, me got de yo-yo-yos, whos in de house, me got de dance de de boppy, breaker style.

Alternative - Come back and speak to me when you've taken some English classes and learnt the language the rest of us have agreed on. Untill then, fuck off and get some clothes that arent WHITE.

by The Alt rock chimp June 6, 2004

87๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone or something that goes against the mainstream and classification. An alternative person cannot be grouped as emo, punk, goth, prep, hippie, nerd, or any other stereotypical group.
Also refers to music. Alternative music is not part of any other genre. Therefore, it cannot be called grunge, punk, metal, pop , etc. Most alternative bands are indie.

Alternative band include: The Killers, Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party, Snow Patrol, the Postal Service, Rage Against the Machine.
Antonyms: Green Day, the Spice Girls, Killswitch Engage, etc.

by Mister Know-it-all January 5, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to descibe music that is an alternative from the mainstream music. Although this term is irrelevent now, because what is refered to as alternative is in fact, the mainstream music.

Boy1:what kind of music do you like"
Boy2:because i dont like to listen to the same thing everyone else does.
Boy1:umm alternative is what everyone listens to....

by Blake Springer August 27, 2005

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adj. used to describe people or things that are or appear impaired to the point of hilarity, usually mentally. Usage is mostly localised to a small alternative high school in Michigan.

"You're being kind of alternative today" "That car/goat is alternative."

by Schmill the Definer April 27, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


supposedly different to the 'norm'. A term also used to describe categories which society has placed us. Usually goths, moshers who reckon everyones out to get them call themselves alternatives, because theyre the same as everyone else.

'nuff said

by Laura M January 2, 2004

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