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American Flag

You will need a white chick for this one. Stradle over her shoulders while she is lying down. Punch her in the right eye. While her eye is swelling and turning blue, start slapping her in the face, alternating from left to right cheek while beating off with the other hand. Once her face is red and eye is puffy and blue, blow ropes of ball snot across her face like the white stripes on old glory. Step back and salute while humming "Oh Beutiful" for a patriotic effect.

If you find a communist anti-American bitch who speaks bad about the USA, take her home and make her face look like the American Flag! Its fun and easy!
Might adjust her attitute too.

by RotnFk February 4, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Flag

A highly combustible rectangular piece of material used throughout the world in place of fireworks.
The burning of this kindling material when performed in crowds usually causes great joy and elation to the people who see the occurance, who generally begin dancing and laughing with delight when viewing this activity.
There is only one place in the world where this activity is frowned on (The U.S.A) however most of the citizens of this particular location do not recognise the rest of the world as valid independent nations.

Dave turned on the TV to watch the 9 O'Clock news.
There was some kind of celebration taking place in the Middle East with lots of dancing, laughter and American Flag burning.

by ShamC October 9, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Flag

when u say the pledge every morning, u r saying that a piece of cloth is more important than u. i say, THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!

Piece of Shit: Look a missile coming right towards us! I'm going to grab the American Flag and run, while i leave this poor defensless infant to die because inanimate objects are more important than people.
Me: you hopeless little Piece of Shit!*Nails him to the ground, grabs the baby, and runs*

by zack423 September 30, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Flag

The American Flag is just another one of the perverse terms for a crude sexual act in the same family as the "dirty sanchez". Ther American Flag starts off with a male recieving oral sex from a female. When the male is on the brink of his climax, he must first punch the woman in the eye (creating a blue like coloring), punch her in the nose (creating red from the blood), and finally shooting his semen onto the other eye, thus creating Red, White, and Blue.

The other day when my girl was giving me head, I totally American Flaged her when she was least expecting it! sadly, she dumped me shortly afterward.

by Darius M. July 13, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Flag

Your middle finger up and your other fingers down makes an American Flag.

This one asshole cut me off at a stop sign and i gave them a good old patriotic American Flag.

by John OHH YEAH January 16, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Flag

When a girl is giving you head, you punch her right in the nose. From the blow she starts seeing stars, and her nose bleeds. You then cum right on her face. There'll be a blue bruise on her face, red and white stripes, and she'll be seeing stars.

Some dude at the party ruined the 4th of July orgy by giving some chick an American Flag right on the couch.

by AndrePaul September 1, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

American flag shaft

During sex the most patriotic man will super glue a flag to his penis and wave it as the others suck him off. This is a way to show true American heritage.

In premarital sex between men of mixed races usually between 6 and 10 men there will be a man to pull the American flag shaft.

by Theamericanshaft February 10, 2022