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Ancestor Shaming

Shaming a (member of) a group based on the crimes of their potential ancestors.

John: "You (your ancestors) were slave traders"
Mary: "That may be true but you (your ancestors) were the ones who captured the slaves in the first place"
Everyone else: "Stop ancestor shaming!"

by Captn Liberty July 25, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your ancestors incestors

the incest family tree

Carl: "your mum gay"
John: "your dad lesbian"
Carl: " your granny tranny"
John: "your grandpap trap"
Carl: "your sister a mister"
John: "your family tree LGBT"
Carl: "dont make me do it to em."

John: "do it Carl"
Carl: "your ancestors incestors."
Carl: "you know i had to do it to em"
God: 'bows down before Carl'

by Yourancestorsincestors81 March 23, 2018

85๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur ancestors incestors

Your whole life is lie and everything you know and love will disintegrate into nothingness . But, you keep going some how

Ty: ur mum gay
Zach: ur ancestors incestors
Ty: *Life is now over*

by BUSHโ€™S Baked BEANS March 27, 2018

97๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur ancestors incestors

The only insult know to currently be worse than Ur mom gay, Ur dad lesbian and Ur granny tranny combined. If used be prepared for the conseqeunces.

Joe: Ur mom gay
Carl: Ur dad lebian
Joe: Ur granny tranny
Carl: Ur ancestors incestors

Whole universe and every timeline in existence blows up while Abraham Lincoln's head explodes. Carl disintegrates on the spot.

by Memelord2018 April 21, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

your ancestors incestors

The absolute worst, most intense insult in the entire universe. Every time someone says this, a universe gets destroyed and a super nova nearby explodes, resulting in the destruction of the solar system. You become ruler of the universe, as nothing can even compare to the intellectual ability of you. You control everything, you become a God.

Zach: your're mom gay.
Jacob: Your father lesbian
Zach: Your granny tranny
Jacob: Your grandpap a trap
Zach: your sister a mister
Jacob: your family tree LGBT

Zach stutters, shook and doesn't know what to say.
Jacob shows a smirk, and Zach isn't prepared for whats about to happen.

Jacob: Your ancestors incestors.

Everything is gone. Jacob becomes high ruler of the Universe, and controls everything.

by mianix March 29, 2018

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ur ancestor are incestor

The ultimate comeback to any offense of your beloved A N C E S T O R S

Dave: ur mom gay
Cuck: ur dad lesbian
Boye: ur granny tranny
Jimbo: ur grandpap a trap
Dave: ur ancestor are incestor

by Comedic and Factual March 15, 2018

ur ancestors molestors

Worse than ur mum gay, ur dad lesbian AND ur granny tranny if they had an incest engrossed orgy.

Benjamin: I thought I told your bitch ass to fuck off

Ryan: Yeah, well, ur mum gay

Benjamin: Oh yeah? ur ancestors molestors

(Ryan causes a second Big Bang within the Soloar System)

by rollacethejazzmaster March 12, 2018

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