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penguins freezing in antartica

The appropriate response to when someone takes off a jacket, sweater, etc. even though it is really cold either to display how "tough" they are or because they feel no cold. Especially when you are freezing yourself

Debrickashaw: Ahhh its not that cold
'Xebole: Dude its like 20 degrees outside and all i have is this vest
Debrickashaw: Stop being such a wimp <takes off coat>
'Xebole: what the hell, there are penguins freezing in antartica

by Felippe Boom-Boom LeBlanc January 11, 2011

Dio scolopendra antartica

Atypical italian blasphemy used in the most exaggerated anger situations, when a "porco dio" isn't enough
Literally it means "god is antarctic centipede"

"Dio scolopendra antartica, non ci posso credere, mi hanno già rubato due macchine questo mese, perché sono venuto a vivere a Napoli"

"Giuro che se non la smetti di toccarmi ti estraggo entrambe le tonsille con il solo ausilio dell'aratro di mio nonno, Dio scolopendra antartica"

by coleos December 7, 2016



Kid: "have you ever been to Antartica?"
Me "No... but I have seen ur mom"

by Arnold Shwartinager April 7, 2022