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What a whole nation seems to experience after voting for the same dumb ass two consecutive times!! Once wasnt enough, they had to elect him one more time. Now they feel like they have a reason to be Anti-Bush

TRUE CONVERSATION, in a Ladies room:

She: I cant beleive what my country is facing right now...
I: What do u mean??
She: blah blah blah... I am so Anti-Bush...
I: who did u vote for?
She: Bush.
I: moron

by Chups February 20, 2007

18👍 8👎


People who disagree to George W. Bush's decisions or just hate him for whatever reason.

Most people these days are anti-bush so i say that bitch must die!

i am clearly an anti-bush

Comrade 1: do you know anyone who ain't anti-bush or is a george bush lover?
Comrade 2: no. but my teacher sais we should respect some of his decisions
Comrade 1: Honestly. What the hell is your teacher smocking

by ashz0r January 10, 2006

60👍 44👎