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tear you a new asshole

Tear you a new asshole, means to get cussed out degrade and make you feel like an idiot because you did something you wernt supposed to do or messed something up in some way shape or form

Ex. Did you hear John wrecked his dads truck last night? Sucks to be him His dad is going tear him a new asshole.

Ex. John showed up to work late two days in a row, the boss is looking for him he's about to tear him a new asshole.

Tear you a new asshole

by Airin Smith November 2, 2013

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chew you a new asshole

What a dog is thinking about when you either don’t feed him or mistreat him as well as being a creative alternative to the worn phrase, β€˜rip you a new asshole.’

It was hard to imagine that this pathetic mongrel was imagining how he would chew you a new asshole as you sat there ignoring all of his canine needs.

by Dr Bunnygirl July 14, 2023

kick you a new asshole

kicking somebodies ass so bad that get a new one
(it is a expression)

"you Phil last night i was killing you in madden"

shut up before i kick you a new asshole

by JamesGround Attorney at law June 28, 2010

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tear you a new one

Kicking someone's butt.

If you don't quit looking at my wife's hooters dude, I'm gonna tear you a new pronto.

by mangus June 5, 2004

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See you on the news

The last words you say to some idiot before they're about to do something stupid.

"See you on the news, sucker."

by mortis fugit November 28, 2015

you are fake news

An insult once said by Donald Trump to call someone fake or the info they give to over people are fake

E.G- Callum you are fake news.

by November 9, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Take you to New Jersey

Have sex with you under the false pretense of a legally binding marriage.

I'm gonna take you to New Jersey like Will Smith did in that one episode of Fresh Prince cause that girl wouldn't screw him till they were married.

by fwejrhiwluerchfuiqvbwe November 4, 2007

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