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1. Of or relating to the trajectory of projectiles, their motion and/or effects. Used in circuses by clowns to properly gauge and define accurate custard pie throwing. Although rarely heard, ballistics are all around us. When we throw a broken bottle into the face of a policeman, we unconsciously use our acquired knowledge of ballistics to work out exactly how hard and high the throw must be to really mess up the bitch.

2. To be incredibly angry. See also furious and apeshit.

2. "Aw, I knew I shouldn't have thrown that bottle. Dad's gonna go ballistic when he finds out how much the bail is."

by Coaldrone January 24, 2004

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1.) acting rampant mad/violent within the heat of an argument or a quandary

2.) doing exceptionally well in a tense situation, in the sense of going crazy.

1s.) Take a look at that fight at McDonalds, he's going ballistics!

2s.) Just took the math final that I busted my ass for, I was going ballistics.

by stivodivo March 9, 2019

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completely and utterly blown away. destroyed, shocked, pwned.......

pronounced (bah - list - ah- kate- ed)

word started from the new orleans hurrican disaster to discribe the damage done.. word started by Josh Owen of Arkansas.

"from the railroad to the beach, i would say, 90% was just completely ballisticated"

by Cody Richardson September 3, 2005

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A state of anger bordering on hysteria over the negative outcome of an event or personal interaction.

She went into a state of ballisticness when she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her.

by Tigerman42 June 16, 2011

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getting wasted beyond recogintion by no set means

holy crap, did you see me at that party? i had so much tequila i was totally ballisticated

by drapeyMcphee August 22, 2007

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a song from FNF that everybody vibes to.

ballistic got me like:

by yeah im a boi April 19, 2021

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To be drunk out of your mind, being so drunk you don't even know that you're drunk and making an ass out of yourself, raging on your friends, picking fights and being a total jackass.

"I drank a bottle of tequila last night, became ballistic and punched my best friend. Not my proudest moment..."

- I heard Steve went ballistic last night?
- Yeah, that crazy moron drank a keg and was completely out of control.

by Swedish Jesus May 15, 2012

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