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A chick or homosexual that uses anal beads.

I seen bball today, but i dident talk to her. I wanna vomit in my mouth everytime i see her. I get this image in my head.

by random person March 11, 2005

16👍 86👎

Murats bball skills

They are amazing especially his 3 pointers

Murats bball skills are insane

by Mabdulah September 1, 2020

178 Bball Court

178 Bball court is a mf crowded ass place where 131 gay cocks visit to come show show nice bball skills but very very rude. Famous athletes can be occassionally seen here, such as paikia gangster Winston cigaratte, Ryan the Gualian, and Jonas the KFC SHREDDERRRRR

Often times, many sexy bball players visit this court, thas why the sexiness disallows many minahs and xmms to come here cuz of the hotness overload...and yes, saggy ballsack Youhao is the Winnie the Pooh of the court chinese hanyu-pinyin version.

Wow, 178 Bball Court is so beautiful today! No disrespectful players in sight!!!

by lovewinstonhumpdaddy August 25, 2021

2👍 5👎

bball girls

Bball girls are the basketball version of soccer girls, gorgeous and very good at basketball, many men are attracted to these girls

"Wow those girls on the court are hot! Bball girls am I right?"

by Kelsey Walter February 4, 2017