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Bench Warmer

A person that pays money for a jersey and to be a part of the team and doesn’t get to play a single minute..

Sherwin and John we’re bench warmers for the Orlem Zonals

by EmmanuelNoronha July 7, 2020

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Bench warmer

A term used in baseball and softball usually targeted towards a person who sits on the dugout bench for most of the game, for any reason, aka "warming up" the bench.

Alex is the teams Bench warmer because he is unable to field a baseball.

by EvanOmNomz April 15, 2023

professional bench warmer

You’re so good at warming that spot on the beach that you might get a d1 scholarship.

Sir, we are here to inform you that you have been excepted into the university of Florida for you bench warming capabilities, and we want you to be our professional bench warmer.

by Kiwidude April 4, 2023