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the best band in the world

Listen up Bitches
There can be only ONE Band mentioned here whilst keeping a straight face!
You know its True!

Guy 1 The Best Band in the World are The Beatles
Guy 2 No Dude ,They Suck, Its Metallica
Guy 3 No Way Its either Nirvana or offspring
Guy 1 (Bitch Slaps the other twofor being complete Butt-Munchers

by jar jar stinks May 22, 2006

631๐Ÿ‘ 433๐Ÿ‘Ž

best band ever

1. A band that is better then all others.

2. Something there can only be one of. If there is more then one then it is not the best band ever.

3. The best band ever depends on the person you ask.

Cleetus, "yeah, I think Brooks and Dunn, Nickel Creek, and Weezer are the best bands ever."

Ace, "There can only be one best band ever cock sucker. God, I fuckin hate you, you should burn in hell you red neck son of a bitch."

by Sexy Ben August 23, 2005

112๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Best Band Ever

The Beatles. Period. Even if you don't like them, you still need to acknowledge the fact that they have had more influence over the music industry than any other band or act ever. Disagree? Think about this. The Beatles brought albums to the forefront of the music scene. Before them artists just released singles and sometimes albums with a bunch of filler tracks, usually covers. The Beatles actually wrote entire albums, becoming the base for just about EVERY BAND today. Not only that, but they have sold more albums than anyother act, have had dozens of hits, have several albums in the Rolling Stone's Top 500 Albums list, are #1 in their Best Band list, and have has dozens of hits. If you think you dislike them, I garentee you have heard a few songs you like that you don't know are by them.

The Beatles are the best band ever.

by FloydRyvre July 21, 2009

96๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

best band ever

also known as led zeppelin.

led zeppelin is the best band ever.

by Ex March 18, 2005

403๐Ÿ‘ 321๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Best Band In the World

Quite simply, unmistakably, undeniably and without a doubt; PINK FLOYD

Hey man, let's listen to some music...

Oh, ok. What do you have in mind?

You know... Music!

OK! I'll put on some Pink Floyd.

Dude! They're the best band in the world!

by jesuitson October 25, 2008

94๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

The best band in the world

Metallica. The greatest band of all time. Nirvana is close to Metallica, but Metallica is better. (Nirvana rocks, though I like Metallica a little bit better)Metallica consists of James Hetfield, Kirk Hammil, Lars Ulrich, and... it was Cliff Burton, but I forgot the new guy's name. Well, they rock!

Damn, Metallica's Ride the Lightning was the best album ever made!

by JsRf13 April 10, 2005

223๐Ÿ‘ 438๐Ÿ‘Ž

The best band in the world

METALLICA. they can-not be beaten. S&M fucking awesome!!

everyone should know that metallica are the best band in the world and if you doubt that id watch out

by wheresYourCrown? February 9, 2007

137๐Ÿ‘ 354๐Ÿ‘Ž