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'Thats bleak man'

by keepitrealman February 18, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


when someone is so ugly and down bad you want to choke slam them and theyre stupid treesh girlfriend

bowen slingluff is lookin fuckin bleaked gahhdamnn nigga LMAO

by Eugeneeee March 5, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a situation, object or person is outstanding or good.

Last night was bleak.

That girl is well bleak.

by PoolGirl August 20, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is completely irrelevant

You are so bleak

by Marspott October 29, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

bleaked out

a term that means drinking an abundant amount of alcohol causing you to pee your pants and as embarrassing as this sounds you don't even know it and you laugh hysterically

"yo dude you hear about finch at Sara's party last week "

"nah dude what happened"

"he bleaked out in front of ever body so they kicked him out"

"haha what a loser"

by eddie murphy, Mr wale January 5, 2010

Shit's Bleak

Not good, ugly, hopeless. When it seems like everything is going to hell.

I was looking at Target's womens clothes today. Man that shit's bleak!

by Gladys Anderson April 27, 2022

Bleak House

Bleak House is a theorized subgenre of house music characterized by a repetitive four-on-the-floor beat, a tempo of 120 bpm, and a merging of positive, uplifting sonics with a perverse existential angst that addresses Weltschmerz by leaning into Schopenhauerian pessimism.

* Reference made to Charles Dickensโ€™ 1853 novel, Bleak House
* Term coined by Projekt Recordsโ€™ Sam Rosenthal on June 13, 2023, in reference to VEiiLA

On their third album, after their recording studio burned down and all their gear was lost, they really went for that Bleak House sound.

by Sam_R. June 15, 2023