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Body Shot

A type of photography in which the only thing pictured is the muse's body. Nudes in which the face is not pictured, faceless models, and other types of anonymous photography that only includes limbs and torso are included.

Lee: Hey dude, didn't you hear? One of the girls in our class sent some guy her nudes.
Jay: Isn't she like, 16? It's illegal to send someone a body shot until you're an adult.

by miercoles_blues October 30, 2023

Body shot

When a man cums in his belly button and his sexual partner slurps it out.

I heard Johnathon and Tyler did body shots last night.

by Paybel May 19, 2015

17πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Body shots

When you come in your belly button and the chick sucks it out

Suck my jizz. Body shots bitch!

by Danthehigh May 8, 2007

79πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž

full body shot

a picture of oneself that includes the entire body. this is for on-line conversation purposes as to know whether your conversation partner is good looking or not.

i have a new pen pal and i really like her but i can't commit to anything until i see a full body shot.

by dani_guay November 5, 2007

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Colombian Body Shot

A body shot with a more latin sexual twist...

Lick salt off her inner thigh, shoot tequila out of her navel, blow a line off of her tits, and suck a lime out of her mouth

She gets so wet as I work my way up her body while doing a Colombian body shot....I get to do tequila & blow. Win win all around

by Jholmes54 February 19, 2015

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Neapolitan Body Shot

When a man ejaculates into a woman's anus, and then she stands over him, then she defecates the semen followed with feces, while squirting menstrual blood onto his chest all at the same time, and then licking it up.

She told me she wanted to try something new, something she heard in a club bathroom... Neapolitan Body Shot sounded fun! Ive never looked her in the eyes since.

by sassypfaff February 21, 2011

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

alabama body shot

Lick some Louisiana hot sauce off your girl’s left titty, eat a Totinos pizza roll off her left titty, then you get you a shot of bourbon out of her belly button hole (preferably Jim Beam), stick your dick in her, then tell your sister you love her.

β€œHey sis, Maw and Paw are out in Talladega for the race tonight, wanna do an Alabama body shot?”

by VA31 April 3, 2018

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž