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Bosnian is the national origin of anybody who has a Bosnian heritage and was born in Bosnia, not mattering what religion they are(unless of course they do not see themselves as Bosnian like most catholics and orthodox christians there, but not all).

For the record somebody from Hercegovina is also a Bosnian because Hercegovina was never a independent region, but a region in Bosnia. It only received the name Hercegovina (after Hrzeg Stjepan who was a warlord in the Hum region today Herzegovina)long after being a Bosnian territory. Even during the Ottoman time Herzegovina was a territory in Bosnia( a sandzak in the Bosnian Pashadom) and the name Bosnia and Herzegovina came only to be during the creation of Yugoslavia(due to political reasons).

by Admir May 3, 2006

197๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


a bomb person who slaps hella loud, and stays getting drunk, parties all the time with nothing to celebrate. eats greasy food, tries to smoke at least once by the age of 9. a person who loves to curse a lot, and has anger issues. THEY NEED EVERYTHING TO ALWAYS BE CLEAN, SO THE MOM'S CLEAN NON STOP.

Bosnians, think of your own.

by HENIFE. August 7, 2009

174๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person coming from Bosnia. Many people confuse it with beign a nationality. The country is called Bosnia&Herzegovina. Only the northern part is Bosnia. If you're from Herzegovina you're not Bosnian. Bosnians can be Croats, Bosniaks, Serbs, Gypsies. Most Bosnians are Slavs who are Croats, Serbs, or Bosniaks.

That girl has a nice body with big breasts and bossom, she MUST be Bosnian!

by Croatian_Kid November 20, 2005

185๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bosnians or Bosniaks are a slavic people from Bosnia who adopted Islam as their religion during the Ottoman rule(1463โ€“1878). The term is usually used to link Slavic Muslims in the region. The majority of the inhabitants of Bosnian were most likely Croats/Serbs, with some small mix of Illyrian/Celtic/Roman tribes until the Ottoman rule. Over the few hundred years of Ottoman rule brought many Turks and Islam into the area. After the end of the Ottoman rule came the Austro-Hungarian rule (1878โ€“1918).

Bosnia joined their South-Slavic brothers in the creation of Yugoslavia. In 1992 Bosnian wanted their own independence even though 54% of the Bosnian population was either Serb/Croat/Yugoslav (1991 census: 1,366,104 (31%) Serbs, and 760,852 (17%) Croats, with 242,682 (6%) Yugoslavs)

Bosniak Muslims were a small minority in Yugoslavia(1981 census of Yugoslavia shows that Muslim Bosnians make up 8.9%) The majority of the countries land mass is Republic of Srpska(serb majority) and the southern Hrvat area(croat majority).

Most Bosniaks don't practice Islam as a religion but just use it to identify themselves. Most Bosniaks wear Western-style clothes and consume alcohol which is much different than the the true Islamic way.

Bosnia is ethnically divided into Bosnians/Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats.

by the_truth_for_the_west March 1, 2009

84๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Bosnian is a person who's heritage originates from Bosnia. Bosnians have a strong belief in paranormal activity which explains why they are terrified of ghosts and ghouls. When Bosnians come in contact with such a being they get what is called a spook, when spooked, Bosnians either react in two ways, one, they cower in fear and try to contact the authorities(who never come because the police are natural allies with paranormal beings) or two, they experience extreme aggression and use their Bosnian powers they were given by the ghostbuster gods and with great force, they destroy the fiend. The war will never end between them because the ghouls want what all Bosnians need to survive on earth, soccer. But the Bosnians always refuse, thus the battle never ends and to this very day, the war goes on.

My spook senses are tingling, fuck you guys This Bosnian it fucking out of here!

by MoonMan December 18, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any person who is a native inhabitant of Bosnia or diaspora of there of. The typicall Bosnian person drinks Rakija, a high percentage alchoholic beverage, smokes at least a pack of Malboro branded cigarettes per day, wears singlets underneath all clothes regardless of the weather or geographic region and has at least 3 pairs of slippers per family member in the household. Typically Bosnians are involved in some sort of black market activity such as drug trafficing or people smuggling and can be easily identified disproportionate levels and usage of vulgar language which is as much a staple of Bosnian culture as the national foods; Burek, Cevapcici & Sarma. Bosnians can also be identified by their overt hatered for Serbs.

Guy 1: "Oh yeah? You like tennis? How do you fancy Novak Djokovic"

Man in singlet intimidatingly exclaims:"Fuck that serb nigga..." while eating a strange looking meat wraped in what looks like leaves. Man in singlet eventually gets of.

Guy 2: What the hell was wrong with that guy?
Guy 1: Don't worry...he was just a Bosnian

by bOsaNceRos January 20, 2011

59๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of a person sucking and licking a man's penis.

Hey did you hear Casey got a Bosnian from Robin.

by BiggityBB July 30, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž