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A special brace made for females who won't watch their mouth.

After Francine called Ronald a "Sexual Deviant," she returned days later with a broadcast around her neck.

by Pandaxander the Great September 7, 2009

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Broadcast Jockey

Broadcast Jockeys, also known as BJs, are Koreans who stream games, music, singing, live talk sessions and sometimes sexually suggestive acts, albeit without nudity. Websites like afreecaTV allow BJs to earn through their streams by giving viewers the ability to pay for certain services.

This Broadcast Jockey girl is cute.

by realmsofmen March 4, 2016

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broadcast yourself

youtube slogan when youtube was good

someone-remember when youtube was good?
someone also-yes, remember when it had the broadcast yourself slogan?
someone- yes

by msr1210 December 22, 2018

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broadcaster slut

Typical female radio employee who works at Metro Networks who thinks her shit don't stink. She thinks that because her voice is on TV in the morning, she's the bomb.

I can't stand that Kristen Kelly, she stumbles on her traffic reports and is such broadcaster slut.

by techno935 August 14, 2008

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Broadcast Yourself

The former slogan of YouTube between 2007 and 2011.

YouTube: Broadcast Yourself

by TheJeffShow November 18, 2021

broadcast mode

when you raise your voice to monopolize a conversation and talk over the other person/people you are with...like a television or radio announcer who broadcasts information because they know their audience can't respond, someone in broadcast mode just talks "at" you or over you, with no regard for your thoughts or response.

We were at a networking event and one of the attendees was in broadcast mode all night. She was so rude never let anyone get in a word edgewise.

by snowcloud521 February 17, 2009

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broadcast fuck

1) When an unexpected clusterfuck happens at a large radio station. Seeing coworkers with large egos get their panties in a wad.

2) To penetrate a random girl, usually not so smart, at a large radio station late at night, and the humor is that she thinks it's "cool" b/c you work at a large radio station. This has to occur AT the station.

3) To fuck an intern, usually not so bright, who works in the marketing and promotions department at a large radio station. This can occur anywhere.

4) When your large radio station absolutely beats the shit out of the other stations in the market in the ratings, comparable to fucking them in the face.

5) Any lucky bastard who works in radio, still gets paid very well, and loves his/her job

1) Arch got stuck in the elevator coming back from his smoke break. It's a broadcast fuck with no one talking into the stopset and the weather jingle playing for two minutes.

2) I brought that girl Bethany back to the station last night broadcast fuck (ed) her in the newsroom. The overnight crew walked by, looked in the window, and all they saw was a pair of damn legs high in the air and me giving it to her over the console. Gettin' me some strange.

3) Molly wants a broadcast fuck. I might take her in the station truck, get in the back and fuck her from behind, put on the mascot head midway through, tap her on the shoulder and scare the hell out of her.

4) They are making fun of us on the air again with their new imaging. Don't they realize that we broadcast fuck them in the face on a daily basis, getting higher ratings that ALL of their stations combined?

5) We all are some lucky broadcast fucks. Wouldn't it suck to have a real job?

by SnakeArnold July 23, 2009

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