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Broke bitch syndrome

When an individual shows off money that is not their

Look at him posting a picture of rental Lamborghini and saying it's his, he's got total broke bitch syndrome

by Paully S February 4, 2020

broke a bitch

a couple breaking up under bad conditions, usually one was cheating. So the other partner broke the cheating partner and his/her bitch. Therefore we say they arent a couple anymore they broke a bitch

Hey are those two still going out
No they broke a bitch long time ago

by Sepehr May 13, 2006

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BBS(Broke Bitch Syndrome)

a girl who has BBS(broke bitch syndrome) is a girl who is constantly broke because she be spending her money on stupid shit like food everyday and clothes she don’t need.

girl: why tf do i never have money? like i try and save but it doesn’t work.
best friend: girl you’ve got BBS(broke bitch syndrome)

by annaamelia March 11, 2019

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broke-ass bitch

someone who comes over just to 'borrow' your clothes, bags, and yo size 7 stilletos even though she's a size 9. someone who never orders anything at the restaurant but just finishes what you can't. someone who just convinces you guys to "chill" and just hang out because she can't afford to go somewhere you gotta spend money at. the one who fronts about her whereabouts, brands of clothing, and of course money, but when it comes down to it she aint got shit to say. someone who fronts and claims as being another "miss independent" but does everything of the above. how fucking annoying.

i invited her to kick it but she needed me to pick her up, drop her home, and while we was at the restaurant she tells me she aint hungry so she don't order nothin but when my order comes she eats 1/2 of it then decides she hungry again and orders something and asks me borrow money to pay off her reciept. what the fuck? what a broke-ass bitch.

by miss sasssy July 20, 2009

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broke messy bitch

A bitch who's broke and messy. And sometimes act like they broke.

That broke messy bitch need to stop asking her mother to pay her bills.

Don't let that broke broke bitch in cause she too messy. Broke Messy Bitch!!

by WhyTiaJustStopit November 14, 2022

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Bitch broke

A man that is heart broken or got played by a female

A man have a Evil eye toward female

Don”t be mad at me because i get pussy and you over there bitch broke

You bitch broke. You need a hug .

Y’all over there bitch broke , just step yo game up

by Jody_216 August 16, 2020

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Pretty Bitch Broke

A word that defines us pretty ladies who can't stop shopping and even though we have no money.

Created by meghanrosette/istalkmeghan of youtube.com

Girl 1: Wanna go shopping?
Girl 2: You know we're both pretty bitch broke!
Girl 1: And you're point is...

by laurarella October 16, 2011

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