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Ricky Buble

An absolute idiot who always embarrasses himself no matter what the situation is.... combination of the original term "Ricky" and surname of Michael "Buble"....a very funny term to use when out with your mates

Mate! You are a Ricky Buble

by happyhj December 23, 2012

26👍 4👎


/noun/: a term to describe Austin Molberg's Homosexuality towards Michael Buble

Austin: uuuuuhhhhh ahhhhhh ohhhhhhhh BUUUUUUUBBBBBBBLLLLELEEEE!!!!!!!!..... Buble'.

by Pablo Gonzales March 12, 2010

1👍 10👎

bmk bubl

Used in slovenian language as phrase for "boli me kurac bubl".
English>> "my dick hurts bubl"
Why bubl at the end of word? Because its word from old hungarian kings.They had much problems with their dicks so they sad "OMG bubl" that means "my dick is in big pain".O if you connect everything together you get word "bmk bubl".

Muanis:Dani spet ni pijan!
Muanis:Alo Davor!
Davor:bmk bubl!
Muanis:Dani isnt drunk again!
Muanis:Hey Davor!
Davor:bmk bubl!

by [-O_o-] October 22, 2006

4👍 3👎

way gay buble

when something is so morally and ethically wrong that it's not just gay; it's as gay as michael buble.

Me: "My boss just told our entire staff to expect a cut in pay and hours during the next few months."

Friend: "Wow. Are you kidding me? Sorry to hear that..."

Me: " I know. The whole situation is way gay buble"

by J Lig March 4, 2010

13👍 10👎

Michael Buble

That man has the sexiest voice ever, just ignore every single song of his after 2006. SWAY IS SO HOT LIKE WHAT

"My grandma wants to play MICHAEL BUBLE's christmas album again... looks like it's off to the nursing home with her."

by Petra.ismichaelbublesbitch October 26, 2020


A Horrible Person at their Job, Probably a Bad artist.

God, You're such a Bubl.

by Someone that hates pyrorapidfo August 18, 2020