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an incredibly sexy, funny, caring, amazing nerd.

stephanie+tianah the super buffoons.

by buffoon101 July 25, 2008

33👍 130👎


A clown (yes that’s you)

Yes that’s all

A buffoon is you (jk don’t take it seriously)

by Alixiaaaaaaaaa June 4, 2020

3👍 4👎

A Buffoon's Buffoon

Worst of the worst. A royal ass who majors in douchebaggary.

My boss is a bad person with a social disorder. He mumbles to himself and makes people uncomfortable whenever they talk to him. He's a buffoon's buffoon.

by axecident March 15, 2010


Anyway to describe someone's goofy or dumb actions

That was buffoonic of you to challenge that kid to a fight you goofy ass bungaflunga

by Booty Ass kid April 20, 2022


An interesting yet rarely used insult, due to most people’s inability to make it sound anything but straight-up goofy. If in the right mouth, it can be on the same level “jerk”, though they differ in meaning, buffoon being used to deem somebody of low intelligence. A very fun word to use on friends.

Green: “I think it’s red, he looks kinda sus
Red: “you BUFFOON!”

by YuxxyBoyo September 24, 2020


Boris Johnson

The new PM Is a Buffoon...!

by Jeremy Hunt July 23, 2019

4👍 1👎


A mix between a baboon, buffalo and possibly a muffin.

Mary: You know, I think a buffoon is a mix of a baboon and a buffalo. Oh! And a muffin too!
Ed: You're crazy

by EddyMJ3189 June 22, 2006

104👍 111👎