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a phrase from the Pacific Northwest United States meaning many, or, very.;
to the extreme;
lots of something;
same thing as "hella" in the Bay Area and similar to the Bostononian's "wicked."

Seattle music was mass awesome, but it's popularity fucked it up mass.
There was mass shit in the toilet after you used it.
Man, do I sound mass dumb.

by m-a-ss May 1, 2003

92πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Mass is how much matter is in an object. Please not this is a scientific definition and mass does not mean weight. Weight means how much force is acting on an object due to gravity.

My mass is 50kg

by Physics defenitions December 29, 2021


Used on the in the Bay Area of California. May mean in the extreme, large quantities, or something that is gnarly.
Has recently fallen into usage for something that is deep or meaningful

I had mass issues with that movie, it sucked in so many ways.
I was hungry, so I bought mass chips.
Did you see that guy's wave? It was mass.
My professor of philosophy can be so mass sometimes.

by repos December 13, 2007

28πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Noun. An obundance of male ass, combination of the two, when a guy moons you, you get a face full MASS, another term for guy ass
Noun. Excessive guys in a room, similar use to sausage

Dude I was changing in the locker room and there was MASS everwhere!

by Brettc7 March 20, 2006

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A form of using brutal force of a mass instead of people with skill to fight.

Yeasterday the Alliance was massing Onyxia with 40 people.

by Phlex March 30, 2005

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1. part-of-speach: noun
__a. physical substance; an amount of matter. adjective form: massive

2. part-of-speach: adjective (generally used in context\conjunction with ghetto slang)
__a. a large number of {plural noun};

__b. a great quantity of {collective noun}



1a: β€œDayum, that girl has some real mass on her frame..”

a: β€œMan, you have some mass toys dere, fo'real..”

b: β€œOnce I finished the marathon, I drunk some mass water ’cause I was so friggin thirsty, not to mention out of energy..”

by Victor Van Styn August 23, 2005

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe a group of people whos personality, mannerisms, and general way of life represents a large portion of particular areas in society.

The term was first originated by three young men at McGill University, and is mainly used in a condescending manner towards someone you cannot have a genuine relationship with.

That girl is not wife material, she's to masses for me!

by Ali Taghikhani January 31, 2011

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž