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Assholes who box in motorcycle drivers with their vehicles(usually not motorcycles) on multi-lane highways, often with deadly results.

Did you hear about Bob?

No. What happened?

He got hit, run over, dragged dismembered, decapitated and killed by Cagers on the 401.

by Brusselssprouts August 3, 2013

44👍 63👎

Cager Baiting

When a biker gets angry at someone in a car hoping they’ll apologize for their actions.

This biker got mad at me because they didn’t know what brakes are, but I didn’t apologize because I’m not a fan of cager baiting.

by McNiggason November 21, 2017

2👍 10👎


A native or resident of a huge city.

"Watch out for the Cager, city-slickers can't be trusted."

by Zed Numar July 22, 2021