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when u take a picture of someone eating something creamy

no way he’s eating cum. wait this is a great time for a candid

no way it’s a twinkie *insert orgasm* what a candid

by balec December 24, 2021

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Marijuana, weed, pot, chronic

"Man, last night i was passed out on the floor cuz i smoked so much candid"

by Jon Doughty May 2, 2008

208πŸ‘ 886πŸ‘Ž


A Candid is something or someone that does not have the physical and or mental confidence to talk to women or someone they are attracted to. Words that relate to this are Colgate, and Goldfish

Person 1: Hey Cayden you should go see if you can get that girls number!

Person 2: Ethan I can't, I.... I...., I just can't.

Person 1: Come on you Candid! YOU THINK IT'S A GAME!

by Fish King 13 June 2, 2017

15πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


To be silence.

To not talk.

Please be candide.

OMG! That girl is soo cadide, we won't talk to me.

by golden_peanut November 26, 2009

6πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

fake candid

Picture that appears to be candid, but is actually posed.

Pretending to be unaware that a photo is being taken.
You see someone taking sneaky candids? Better force some laughter/smile or look pensive.

"Her instagram is full of fake candid pics!"

by deacon frost November 24, 2014

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the Crime Candidate

An increasingly popular nickname for the so far thrice-indicted ex-President Trump, due to how apparent it is that the one thing we can expect 45 to do reliably is to be engaged in criminal activity.

Sometimes referred to as β€œDJ Sticky Little Trumpfingers,” and sometimes β€œthe Golden Crapper King,” the more simple and elegant nickname, β€œthe Crime Candidate,” has been widely established to be the favorite moniker among his many Mafia buddies.

by Dr Bunnygirl July 19, 2023

candid selfie

A selfie (photograph taken of oneself) made to look like it was taken while the subject had no idea they were being photographed.

Nice candid selfie profile pic!

by csh425 May 13, 2014

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž