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The area of a female's anatomy in between the asshole and the pussy. Moving forward to the vagina is good and returning to backstage (aka darkness) is bad.

I went down on the stripper and it was cloud and dark... I used the catwalk to find my way back to the light.

by The cannibal September 24, 2017

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When one does a "wheelie" on a small bicycle, such as a Mustang bike from the period, it was called "catwalking" in the 60s. The bike often had a banana seat.

Their gang was hot on my heels. I jumped on my Mustang and catwalked it out of there.

by Grammatically correct. July 27, 2017

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gerbil catwalk


i heard that john has a four inch gerbil catwalk. sick.

by you would never understand May 3, 2011

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cardboard catwalk

An ode to the 1980s style of breakdancing on a flaten piece of cardboard in the streets. The act of impressing a boy/girl by showcasing how well they can dance.

Dalton: Hey Luke, how the hell are you going to impress Kacie?

Luke: I think a stroll down the cardboard catwalk will do the trick.

Dalton: Okay, but your white so I'd stick to the acoustic guitar.

Luke: Oh please. I'm the blackest white person in Lafayette County.

by Stang July 8, 2011

catwalk moment

When you have a brainwave and there is a knot in your head that desolves

e.g. that you suddenly understand catwalk is the word for runway walking because cats walk the same way. that's a catwalk moment then

by LennLennLenn April 26, 2020

catwalk moment

the catwalk moment is the moment you realize a very obvious thing you didn't notice before. When you have a brainwave and a knot in your head desolves you call it catwalk moment

you have a catwalk moment when you suddenly realize models on the runway walk like cats so therefore it's called catwalk

by LennLennLenn April 26, 2020


A person who is not qualified to handle any other task except walking cats.

That damn catwalker forgot to set another appointment today.

by Short Bud Squad August 4, 2023