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temporal causality poop

The act of pooping so hard that you become immediately hungry and then the proceeding feast only leads to yet another poop. A vicious cycle. Particularly when you can no longer remember if the loop was started by a poop or a meal, at this point you know you have entered a temporal causality poop.

Dude I found the best 24-hour all-you-can-eat Buffet in Vegas with really nice toilets inside. I totally forced myself into a temporal causality poop. I was there for days!

by Dane Hansen August 10, 2011

9šŸ‘ 1šŸ‘Ž

Birth Control Causality

A woman who is physically "inflated" from the usage of birth control. Unfortunately all of the negative symptoms (weight gain, larger breasts, blood clots, etc) have affected her, unlike some women who may not experience some or all the symptoms. The woman will appear chubbier or fatter than ever with a round or apple-shaped figure, her breasts are plump but sagging from tenderness, and she has a muffin top; however, on the bright side, her skin is radiantly clear.

A birth control causality can also be a woman who smoked and took birth control or did not take her birth control properly and ended up pregnant.

Poor things.

Eva was mad after taking birth control for two years. She is shaped like a pear, her love handles seem to flop over her pants, her arms are flabby and her boobs seem to scrape the floor. However, her acne has disappeared. Poor girl is a Birth Control Causality . Oh well, once again at least her skin's cleared up.

by twistedbabydoll September 10, 2007

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causal will

Causal will is the ability to make choices that are predetermined by external forces or internal compulsions. Everything has a cause, so everything, including our choice and will, is causal.

Although we lack free will, we do have causal will.

by AbsurdistJiffu July 9, 2024

Causal Friday

(n) A Friday that is meant to be all things Friday, i.e. wasting time at work, leaving early for happy hour, and closing down the bar.

"Dude, after work today let's go out to the bar for a causal Friday."

by doingthings November 25, 2014

synchronicit causality

The phenomenon where in people that are geographically separated experience a coincidence with no other possible explanation, that would not have happened otherwise.

You pick up the phone to dial your sister, and she is already on the line without dialing, or the phone ringing, as she has already called you.

But you know that if you did not go to call her, she would not have tried to call you - synchronicit causality

It was the act of picking up the phone that precipitated the event.

by Lostware January 18, 2012

white guy causal

When one wears a collared shirt and gym shorts out in public.

Dude, do you think i should dress up to go out or should Iļø go White guy causal

by HostilePikachu November 10, 2017

Stack's Law of Universal Causality

A law which states that: given sufficient time, some internet user, somewhere, will have posted elaborate arguments for one person, thing, idea or phenomenon being the cause of all of the world's modern day problems. The argument is likely far-fetched.

Joe: Man, the Middle East is getting crazier every day.
Matt: I read a great article the other day about how Middle Eastern instability is primarily caused by Western expectations of gender-role conformity. That also causes income inequality, Donald Trump, and government corruption.
Joe: The only thing you just proved is that Stack's Law of Universal Causality is true.

Jessica: OMG! Why are there so many starving children in Africa.
LeJuana: You see, when you get down to it, Islamic extremism is the primary cause of global hunger, and our poor stock-markets!
Jessica: How do you know that?
LeJuana: I read a tell all article on it at WorldWithoutReligion.com!
Jessica: That's just Stack's Law of Universal Causality at work.

by GreatHillOfTara August 2, 2016