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chatter box

Someone who tends to talk a lot. Not always a bad thing, depending on who you are.

She really is a chatter box, boy can she talk a lot

by Love10Aly April 3, 2018

crapper chatter

The act of sitting on a public toilet and talking to a person in another bathroom stall. Not to be confused with toilet talk

Guy 1: So how was your meeting with the new client?
Guy 2: Dude, stop the crapper chatter. Don't talk to me with a bare ass!

by nado121 November 8, 2010

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brain chatter

a. High intensity inner monologue (in some cases dialogue) that distracts or interrupts activities in the external world.

b. Source of artistic inspiration; often brilliant, sometimes hard to keep pace with.

c. Stuff going on in your head that suggests you should maybe get a second opinion (other than yourself) about your mental well-being.

x: Um, so would that be a yes or a no?

y: Oh, did you say something? Brain chatter going high volume there. Sorry. What was the question?

x: Will you marry me?

y: Oooo โ€“ hey, can I get back to you on that? It's really busy in here right now and I'm missing part of what they're saying.

by escuchon May 13, 2008

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Clam Chatter

A group of girls/women gossiping or talking.

Yo, did you catch any of the clam chatter in the break room? Those chicks are way too loud...tmi.

by Original_Gax October 24, 2017

nigger chatter

The annoying banter between niggers with Nextels in movie theaters. Usually sounds like 2 drunken retards and alot of chirping sounds. They love their Nextels so much cause it forces people to acknowledge them when normally we would pretend they aren't there

As the lighs dimmed I heard the distinct sounds of Nigger chatter. A nextel chirping and a fat black whore or thug wannabe talking way louder then neccessary

by Philly G September 9, 2006

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splatter chatter

Convulsions, with rapid series of short high-pitched sounds that seem to resemble speech, that occurs during an orgasm.

Yo, Becky was all splatter chatter when I fucked her for the 4th time Friday night.

by rjk17 November 29, 2009

chatter chalk


Hey man, quit blabbering. You on the chatter chalk again?

by Eric Maan November 16, 2010