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Forbidden teamwork.

I got caught cheating. What the fuck happened to teamwork?

by hp March 14, 2004

799πŸ‘ 350πŸ‘Ž


The best team work ever invented.

" im gonna freakin fail this test , hey gorgeous...can i see your paper? (cheating)

by the walls can hear you April 26, 2007

271πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


a loser who goes behind your back and does crap with your best friend

Chris is an asshole because he was cheating on Bailey with Cora.

by cmr April 28, 2004

133πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


when someone constantly sits there and says you’re their only but non stop has all her pussy whipped hoes in her phone. always coming up with excuses on how she isn’t wrong in situations. basically a piece of shit player. stay far away

caysi is a mothafuckin cheating hoe

by ya daddy December 5, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


when a guy you love has sex with your best friend or any other woman/man.

"Fuck you asshole you. don't deny it ic ought you cheating on me with my best friend now go away and never talk to me again."

by mymiztake4lovingyou February 14, 2009

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


What your ex did to you when she/he found a better puss eater

Victim: Are you cheating on me?
Michele: No
Victim: Wat's this pic in ur wally? Who's this jews u're f**kin' wit?

by Loner February 12, 2004

60πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


cheating can apply in all things in life such as politics government and so on but when it comes down to a realtionship its mmuch more complicating and complex. this is my point of view so sue me if you dare. YES cheating is going behind the back of the one you supposively love faithfully and committing unfaithful acts. this isnt always physical as cheating can be in a emotional mental or spiritual form. it only makes sense to classify it as actual cheating when two people in the relationship has made the vow or commitment to stay true to each other as in husband and wife in the eyes of god. this doesnt always have to include a large spectacular wedding where there are so called witnesses as long as the vow is made between the couple. unfortunately cheating never ends in a good result for anyone but the truth of the matter is cheating happens in marriage but also boyfriend girlfriend 'quote'status.

it was cheating when she had emotional disconnection even though he was just her boyfriend and thats how she wanted it.

it was cheating when he manipulated her with lies and deceit when he was emotionally disconnected from wanting to be with someone else.

by everyonehurts March 12, 2009

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž