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(Adj.) A term that means Small, Mini, or Tiny in Japanese Anime. Often used to describe babies or small children.

Did you see ChibiTrunks beat up Majin Buu with Goten last week?

by G-Union August 14, 2003

22πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


(noun) 1.the japanese word for a small child 2.the japanese word to rudely call someone small 3.a term that is used WAY too often by many otaku girls/boys...usually girls...

1.(in japanese)that chibi is so cute!
2.Oy, chibi!we've got a bone to pick with you!
3.That chibi is mecha kawaii!^.^

by Mitan April 23, 2008

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Japanese slang word know around the world. It's a combination of Bi & Chisai; meaning Small/Beautiful. If a Chibi is not pretty, it's refurred toas SD or Super Deformed. There are 2 kinds of chibis; stubby chibis with no limbs (think Powerpuff girls) & regular chibis, which resemble noseless children.

Chibis are small & beautiful, babies are super deformed.

by Allaiyah January 15, 2004

73πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


A form of anime drawn with those cute little people that have bubble hands and weird facial emotions.

Max: Dude I need help drawing chibi. Alex: Dude I could draw one in like 20 seconds thanx to a youtube video.

by Ace trick May 27, 2009

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Sex workers’ slang:
A preteen (less than 14 years old) boy who runs away from home and hires a sex worker to get laid.
The sex worker usually turns him down and calls Child Protective Services.

The terms comes from anime, where it means little caricatures of people with big heads and small bodies.

β€œChibi” literally means β€œdwarf” in Japanese.

Angela: I had a chibi call me last night.

Danielle: OMG, what did you do?
Angela: I just called CPS on him.

Danielle: Poor little dude.

Angela: The world is more fucked up than I imagined.

by Pour DΓ©finir May 4, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. Anime word, meaning 'small' or 'timy', often used by fanfirls drooling over a picture of InuYasha as a toddler, while bugging Cartoon Network to dub more episodes since they dont know how to download real anime from bittorrent. Chibi is also a word child molesters use to describe themselves trying to bait 13 year olds in the aol chatrooms.

2. Another word for marijuana, or pot.

1.) Liek OMG that trunks dbz pic iz soooo chibi ^________^;;; *drool*.

2.) Damn dude, pass the chibi over here

by Smoked Sausage October 25, 2004

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


1. Means "small" or "young" in Japanese; also refered to as SD or Super Deformed.
2. A character in a manga called "Clone"

1. Tohru looks so cute as a chibi!
2. Did you see what Chibi did?!

by ChibiSilverWings January 21, 2004

8πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž