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To be cornered by a stranger whom one does not want to talk to. Usually being forced to hear the same boring stories many times and bad jokes.

That guy chucked me again, he keeps telling me about his dog and showing me pictures on his phone.

by Ghost Daddy March 8, 2017


Changing one's views of the Coronavirus(Covid-19) only after a family member, friend or themselves contract it, as Chuck Woolery famously did in July 2020 when his son contracted it.

My niece was arguing how masks represented 'control' but got chucked after her dad contracted it, and now states, "It's real."

by WritinLeft September 9, 2020


to blow off your friends, by telling ridiculous stories.

to break the plans that you have personlly made by not showing up.

not man enough to tell you personally that plans are not going through.

also: chuck, chuckin

I got chucked out of a ride to my bachellor party.

by unknown January 25, 2005

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chucked... To be released from the commitment of a relationship against ones will.

girl, "I think I'm ready to move on to the next level in our relationship now we have been together for been six months".

guy, "do one you frigid bitch, you're chucked!"

by DIZZYskin December 9, 2007

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one who has been victim of an selfish or thoughtless act

I waited for him to pick me up all night but he chucked me!

by Agent Peaco April 30, 2009

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to be ripped and or very muscular

Adam Riddle is super chucked. He is so awesome

by theriddler626 April 5, 2011

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short for the saying "stuck like Chuck" or stuck while on drugs

Damn im Chucked after hitting that shit.

by S Scott November 2, 2006

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