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cinderblock garden

A girl whose "garden" (vagina) is "blocked of" from the world, therefore has no sex.

I really wanna break down the walls of her cinderblock garden.

by Carmen_rocks October 28, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cinderblock Tow Strap

When you drop a cinderblock straight on your Shrimp and when the cinderblock is still resting upon your shrimp, you must try and pull the shrimp out with force creating and tugging and scratching sound. This is mainly used as a form of torture.

Don't make me cinderblock tow strap you right in the mouth.

by Jmaiee June 15, 2015

A triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

A Egg McMuffin from McDonald's.

Phil: Wow, I just had a triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

Dave: So you stopped by McDonald's this morning?

Phil: You know it!

by bloodi x wolf December 15, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


V. The word that can accurately describe the motion of throwing cinderblocks repeatedly in your front yard, shirtless while listening to country music; redneck work out.

Mornin' Billy I'm gonna go do my daily cinderblocking.

by Donglord117 August 2, 2017


A block made of concrete with holes and the most powerful object to exist. Can somehow solve any problem you could have. Can be used to destroy the universe or just open a can of tuna. You should always carry one with you. A brick is not the same as a cinderblock as it is not nearly as powerful.

Person one: Oh no, all of our food has been stolen but these cans of tuna! And we have no can opener!
Person two: Not to worry, behold cinderblock!

by Potatoes are good12345 May 18, 2024


just a silly thingy

Person One: Cinderblock!
Person Two: Cinderblock!

by joceyy__ October 29, 2023


A massive erection. Harder than normal.

"Get up and I stay harder than a cinderblock, man" - Ludacris, "Money Maker"

by steviebubba March 31, 2016