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What ever you want as long as it has to do with clits.

"I am cliterally the man."
"that is cliterally the worst/best pussy I have had"
"he gave me several orgasms cliterally"
"he is cliterally challenged"

by all of us here January 7, 2014

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When your boyfriend won't leave your clit alone, he is trying to cliterize you.. if he succeeds, you have undergone cliterization

Mate I cliterized my girl last night

by Hsbis wpq September 18, 2017


CLITERATOR. The ultimate master of clitoral stimulation. Quick flicker, clit tickler, power licker.

"Cliterator, I am.

Stimulate your clit, I will"

"I'll be back........to make you cum"

-The Cliterator

"To Clitfinity and Beyond!"

......said the Cliterator.

by Frenchy6521 August 26, 2016


when guys wanna be girls

"omg did you hear johnny got cliterization done?"

by susjajhsjajxjak May 1, 2022


Experiencing an unimaginably wonderful sexual experience that arouses you just thinking about it.

"That orgasms was cliterally so good my ass cramped halfway through. 10/10 would fuck again."

by Ayiannout February 25, 2016

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To be knowledgeable about the female anatomy. Specifically, the reproductive system.

"My 9 year old brother has a girlfriend, he must be so Cliterate"

by the cititorial February 28, 2015

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Cliteral is defined by the organic all encompassing, it is a revolution of thought, based in intuition. Not to be confused with the literal which is defined as basic without metaphor and is rooted in binary patriarchal structures.

"I realized I was limiting myself instead of being more cliteral." or "Her photography was cliterally digging into the soul."

by Ida Islas October 28, 2020