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accountability co-worker

A coworker who tallies up how much money you spend on lattes and lunch, then makes the assumption you must make 10k more than them. When in reality your disposable income is in direct correlation to how many dependents you have not or lack of lexus sized car payment.

Wow, you are drinking another latter... that's the fifth one this week. I am saving up for my kids braces. I wish I could have a latte everyday. "I guess you are my accountability co-worker... You are right I should stop drinking lattes, going out to lunch and taking birth control so I can live your dream lifestyle of fun infertility."

by floorfly November 13, 2010

10👍 3👎

that one co worker

thattttt one person that ruins your life by stealing your wife


by YouRe pseudonym September 26, 2017

co-worker meme

A viral meme that is often commercialized and only found funny by boring, sterile people who have never been introduced to a higher form of comedy like your least interesting co-worker whose sole source of entertainment is the mainstream internet and late-night television

Danny: What the fuck even is hawk tuah?
Barnaby: It's another co-worker meme that probably has a merch store and a tv show planned by now, just like Damn Daniel or whatever.

by green and retired July 13, 2024

beat a co worker day

The one day of the year you get to beat up that one Nark ass Co-worker for reporting you to the boss after you were using your phone to text your ride home. Or reported you to the boss for smoking in the parking lot. Or reported you for being five minutes late from break. Among all things you get to beat that one guy or girl up who has been a pain in your side with no disciplinary action. Just don't go crazy and kill them or you'll be known as that on loco guy.

Jeff: Man, I Can't wait for beat a co worker day

Seasun: me too,who are you gonna lay the smack-down on?
Jeff: Rencyanne she went and reported me for smoking pot in the parking lot on my break, you?
Seasun: Owen, He cut my pay last week so i'm Bringing the brass knucks!
Jeff: Oooh your Gonna be that one loco guy on beat a co worker day aren't you
Seasun: Yep!

by Anonymousgamer21 November 22, 2021