Source Code


1.Mary's "crack up word"

2.To Mary: the worlds funniest word

ex.to stare Mary in the eyes and say CONCUSSION

by anonymous November 5, 2004

29๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy concussion

Pussy concussion happens due to blunt force trauma of hand, dick or paddle. Knocking pussy out cold. Only form of cure known at the moment is oral resuscitation.

If you are not practiced at oral resuscitation, please, seek immediate and urgent care from a Pussy Concussion Healer and practiced medician.

*Scarlet was thrilled with the veracious appetite of her lover, until she had to seek treatments for her pussy concussionโ€

by whydoidothethingsthatido October 15, 2021

Concussion Water

Mixing a 1.75 of Silver Wolf Vodka, two containers of lemonade concentrate, and 3 beers. A black out specialty.

After a night of drinking concussion water...

Me- (slurring) "It's ok officer, I'm 21 years old"

Officer- "Why the fuck are you in my house?"

by Wisconsin18 July 4, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anal Concussion

The act of being fucked in the ass too hard that you are given a concussion.

During my 6 years of being in prison I got 23 anal concussions!

by DmasterG February 24, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A concussion induced (or a relapse of concussion symptoms) by railing a femaleโ€™s coochie so hard that your brain can no longer take it.

โ€œHey Christian, you alright bro?โ€ -Jay

โ€œNah man I used that position on her again-โ€œ-Christian

โ€œThe one where your head is laying to her side and your hands are on her cheeks?โ€ -Jay

โ€œYeah! Anyway so I was using that position again and I think it gave me another coochie-concussionโ€ -Christian

โ€œDamn bro you outta lay off the coochie for awhileโ€ Jay

by Intellectual Brutality December 11, 2020

Verbal Concussion

A condition you may experience after being verbally abused by an individual or group of people that make no sense and leave you feeing less intelligent for even having listen to them.

I had a verbal concussion after listening to โ€œnewsโ€.

by Van who owns a van. August 27, 2021

Concussive Maintenance

The use of open palm strikes to repair malfunctioning equipment.

The computer screen is crooked from years of concussive maintenance.

by Bytemeister July 25, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž