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json conjecture

A postulation that the number of platonic forms being uncountable is the last falsifiable statement in mathematics.

Json conjecture = injecture.

If the number of json-conjectures (platonic forms) is proven to be uncountable; mathematics will have been proven real.

by metawave September 7, 2020


A postulation that the number of platonic forms being uncountable is the last falsifiable statement in mathematics.

Json-conjecture = injecture.

If the number of json-conjectures (platonic forms) is proven to be uncountable; mathematics will have been proven real.

by metawave September 7, 2020

The Oprah Conjecture

The Oprah Conjecture is the theory that any organized conspiracy of substantial is impossible because one of the members would reveal the secret to Oprah Winfrey, who would publicize it on her show.

The queen cannot be an alien, for if she was The Oprah Conjecture, tells us it would have already been revealed.

by super_the_science August 10, 2023

Pock Conjecture

The Pock Conjecture:
- Gamers are nonchalantly and ironically racists, but not all racists are gamers.

If you’re a gamer, you’re racist in one way or another

“Man I think I’m starting to be racist after I started playing games

“That’s the Pock Conjecture bro”

by Your Neighbourhood Retard May 24, 2022

The Los Santos Conjectures

Two mathematical conjectures regarding the mission "The Los Santos Connection" of Grand Theft Auto Online.

The first states that if three or more players are present, at least one will be idle, and that if a full lobby of six are present, at least two will be idle. This can be expressed as follows:

Let x = number of players idle and y = number of players present.

x ≥ y/3, always rounding down for x.

The second states that no matter how many players are present, no more than one will ever survive to the point of arriving at the airport (typically they will die at the compound while they or their teammate are hacking the laptop).

Joe, Bob, and Bill thought that they had a good chance of finishing "The Los Santos Connection", but were foiled when Bob was idle and Bill died at the compound; they had failed to account for the Los Santos Conjectures.

by Raul Menendez October 16, 2014