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n. a fucking gay ass south jersey metal band with no singer. haha, rob thinks you guys are faggots. dave knows about 3 chords, jared knows 2 time signatures, and they all fuck eachother at band practice. god they are gay. i would rather listen to a fat black man having an orgasim than listen to them for two seconds.

oh shit, dude, we suck, lets just give up playing instruments and never make fun of fallen rebel for being better than us ever again...thank you, goodnight

by nik October 26, 2004

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A new show starring Stephanie March as Alex Cabot. It will air on NBC in Spring of 2006. It's created by Dick Wolf. It will be similar to his Law & Orders, only it's more character based.

Law and Order: SVU and Conviction will be my addictions Summer '06.

by Kuluaorhj January 3, 2006

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Things people believe in.

She was always putting people's convictions to the test, but was the kind of person that would still say that they were the ones testing her. She had no sense of what was to be held sacred, since she held nothing sacred, that was probably why (that way you didn't have to ask about a nonexistant reason).

by The Original Agahnim January 28, 2022

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A word that describes how one might look. Ugly, tired, been around the block a few times, etc. Can also be used in combination with how someone feels.

B: Did you see the convict T.J. was with last night?
MB: Yeah, he must have had alot to drink, she was straight from!

by bnasty October 30, 2006

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Convict Material

a girl so ugly that the only guys who would ever think of dating her are hard up convincts who haven't seen pussy in 10 years or kfc workers with acne on their face.

no wonder that girl is so jealous of her friend, she's pure convict material.

by flow mt January 19, 2009

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Convict Sleeping

The act of sleeping through the hardest parts of life.
Sleeping like one is waiting to finish out a prison sentence

During cold winters convict sleeping is a favorite past time for those who loathe cold weather.

by Scarlet Parasol November 23, 2008

Convict Material

a girl so ugly or dirty in hygiene that the only guys who would give her the time of day are convicts, jailbirds and men who work fast food jobs looking for a quick piece of ass.

No wonder that girl is so jealous of her aqaintance who gets all quality men, she's merely convict material.

Only a convict would fuck that used up bustdown. She's pure convict material.

by poev January 19, 2009

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