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1. A non-deragatory term, usually used in an affectionate way, to refer to a housecat.
2. A call that with proper use can be used to lure a housecat home.
3. A title preceded by the word 'The' to refer to a housecat.

1. "The Creature is lounging on the car."
2. "My Creature has brought me a bird present."

by Count Dracula (one, two, three) July 24, 2006

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1. a very ugly, creepy person, (usually a guy) who is looking at pretty people like they have a chance. they usually look like they have come from the beyond. this term is usually used by shallow people but with good reason.

2. tomtom

1.christine: look at that guy! *slightly throws up in mouth
cassie:OMG! what a freaking ugly creature!

2. tomtom is such a creature!

by christine elizabeth September 14, 2006

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an extremely ugly woman, usually wears a sun dress with nothing under it and hangs out on upstairs balconys so if ya look up your eyes burn out of yer head. Also one that Phillip loves

Man headband must have been on crack to marry the Creature!!

by PeteDellaBowduphung January 13, 2004

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a way to refer to your parents

"what are your creatures doing tonite?"
"think i'll visit my creatures this weekend"

by itchyscrot April 3, 2003

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the creature

alcohol, beer, liquor, wine etc.

I feel like hell right now, but give me a few hours and I'll be back on the creature.

by Gross Tony March 7, 2008

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The act of showing up uninvited at someone's house (usually a targeted streamer with existing parasocial relationship issues) and then attempting to stay as long as humanly possible.

"Have you ever heard about the avid fan who traveled 17 hours to creature sodapoppin and left drugs behind right after he was forced to leave?"

"Did you know that there is an Andy over there that is creaturing Ice Poseidon later today on stream?"

"I am definitely afraid of being creatured so I take steps to protect all my personal information to avoid getting doxed." - Pokimane (not an actual quote)

by Hybrix July 9, 2021

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Creatured is the term used when someone has too much alcohol and becomes inhuman. They are also unable to control themselves

β€œOmg have you seen Alex, he’s absolutely creatured, he’s on his 3rd beer and he is creatured

by Creaturedboy123 December 6, 2018

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