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Death Wish

A person who's risking there life on dangerous situations that could cost them there life but is willing to take the chance no matter what the cost may be.

Chris its not safe to go alone out there I mean you got a Death Wish or something.

by Thornton davis jr. May 26, 2018

14👍 2👎

Death wish coffee

The most amazing coffee on the planet earth put the ENERGIZER bunny on cocaine that is what this coffee is about when you pour your coffee it looks like lumpy sludge motor oil

DEATH WISH COFFEE is the only coffee I ever want to drink again

by Death by coffee September 14, 2017

Death Wish 3

Like Super Mario bros 3, Death Wish 3 was the best in it's series.
In Death Wish 3, Paul Kersey takes to the mean streets in the worst parts of crime infested 1980s New York where average citizens or "gentle people" are prohibited by law to own firearms. Gentle people live under a repressive kleptocracy under the Creep gang and it's psychopathic and blood thirsty leader, Manny Fraker. Gentle people are subject to pay tribute to the gang for "protection" from their violence. However, it all changes when Kersey is arrested by NYPD after inspecting his slain friend's apartment. He is then sent out onto the streets by Lieutenant Shriker to secretly work as a vigilante under the eyes of his precinct of the NYPD.

After Kersey returns to the neighborhood, he is greeted by his Chaley's (Kersey's friend who died in the beginning of the film) war buddy, a Puerto Rican man and his wife, an elderly Jewish couple, store owners and a lawyer who becomes Kersey's temporary fiance and teams up with them to thin out the herd of creeps.

Fraker had a death wish in Death Wish 3, and his wish was fulfilled

by The Harmeister March 30, 2008

15👍 5👎

mothers death wish

collective ignorance, psycological abandonment of enlightenmnet, liberation, human consciousness on earth. a shared will by deraged trogledytes to evacuate the garden of eden, or whats lef tof it to meet their maker seperated from their brothers and sisters, the sky the wind and rain and all the plants and animals we have been so undeservedly endowed with

John: is billy coming out to party? christine likes him and i told him i'd introduce him to coke.

Jeff: no he's actually spending the weekend at a biblical retreat, niggas got a bad case of mothers death wish.

by el padrone November 11, 2019