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A Dude so insanely, disgustingly ugly that if anyone ever witnessed their ugliness, they would turn to gouging their eyes out and hoping for a quick death to eliminate the memory of said face.

Jesus H Christ, please kill me. I think I saw a Dern.

by Thatdude4554 October 10, 2015

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A harsher method of referring to someone (or something) that frequently exhibits characteristics commonly seen as extremely "drenny," also referred to as "extremely nerdy" or any extreme adjectives of a similar nature. Dren is commonly used as a less abrasive variation.

Note: Dern came into use by means of a misspelling of the original phrase, "dern." Since then it has become a harsher word and should be used only when circumstances do in fact warrant it.

"The name's Bond. Covalent Bond."
"You are such a dern!"

by Franny D February 28, 2009

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dern sure

"Dern sure" is a word used by a crazy man the loves cats and says "what the brown","OH MY MEOW",or simply just "meow", "Dern sure" is used when you are very sure of something. this mans name is jordan others call him hordan but he is better know as Kootra. Kootra is a youtube video game commentator and leader if "The Creatures" he Dern sure is funny.

He Dern sure is a heavy !

by Whatthebrown July 24, 2014

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dern tootin'

Absolutely, that's right. Esp. used when someone's said something that you'd obviously agree to.

Variation: darn tootin'

Used mainly in rural areas of the US.

A: You gonna watch the superbowl tonight?
B: Dern tootin'!

A: Man, that was a rough day. Wanna go get a beer?
B: Dern tootin'!

by miss maryland February 13, 2009

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dern fernman

a ape-like male who gives road head for skatepark trips and has no game with the ladies... also beats up little kids and retardes

look at dern fernman over there he gerps

by finley April 26, 2005

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Geesh Dern

Words that represent being pissed.

Hey the lakers lost. Geesh Dern, they suck this year.

by Sirt February 27, 2012

gosh dern

to refrain from saying "god damn"

gosh dern you dont listen

by samad keith May 30, 2017