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i didnt ask

the most unoriginal and boring way to β€œroast” somebody

seriously, stop saying it. i dont give a flying fuck if you didnt ask i said it because i thought it was worth saying. fucking asshole.

guy:i got an nvidia rtx yesterday!
guy 2:i didnt ask
guy:shut the fucking hell up fucking loser.

by that_one_guy_on_the_internet June 10, 2021

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

footy or it didnt happen

used to counter someone's far fetched claim of a trick they or someone they know landed but didnt film it; usually its something hard to believe. most commonly used by people on message boards like the fags on slap forum.

gay fag: "i just nollie inward heelflipped the tampa big four block"
smart fag: "footy or it didnt happen"

by TeeBonetheCrackhead July 12, 2009

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An interjection rapidly uttered by unprepared students, often the day of or prior to a large test or assignment.

Teacher: Are we all prepared for today's test?

Student: No.

Teacher: And why not?

Student: Didnt-study-gonna-fail.

by AlwaysHiding April 11, 2010

Didnt you get the Memo

When you and all your friends know something or plans for a day except one of your other friends because he wasnt paying attention or just didnt get it :(

Hey this weekend is going to be so SICK. other friend '' Whats happening on the weekend ?

''Dude all of us know, Didnt you get the memo?

by M-Boy5109 December 14, 2010

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Miami didnt want him

Really a two-fold effect. When a 17 year old high school senior football player decides to commit to any other school in the nation, even if he holds a scholarship offer from Miami it is because...

A) Miami didnt want him
B) He is afraid of competition

When 5* DB Patrick Johnson/Peterson decided to commit to LSU instead of DA U, even though he was originally commited to DA U and from south FL......Miami didnt want him

by _it aint e_z January 27, 2009

54πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

I didnt ask

To say the phrase "i didnt ask" is used when someone (usually in a group chat) says a statement like "tomorrow is my birthday" and then the other person says i didnt ask then crushing all hopes of the other person and making them feel terrible because they just got roasted like chicken, got boxed like a fish and then relizing the terrible truth that they are dog water and have no p.r nor earnings.

Person A: my dad died last week
Person B: I didnt ask
Person C (Person B's friends): what are you doing you are lost, your so free free er than air. your headset is so dog you literally got it from the dollar store. calm down you are not cracked you are not justin you litteral wannabe.

by TheRealAdmist February 9, 2021

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

i know you didnt

A common reaction when in disbelief of someones actions or words.

Ohhh know you didn't! How you gonna play me like that?

by Sophie February 11, 2005

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