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Domestic Partnership

a relationship status on Facebook that actually just means that you're living with someone but you're not romantically linked to said person. it's kind of dumb.

i'm in a domestic partnership with my best friend Jen.

by not that bitch March 4, 2011

562👍 453👎

Domestic Partnership

A relationship where the people involved are kind and loving towards each-other.

Yo, we in a good domestic partnership!

by Natalllaaayyy March 6, 2011

123👍 157👎

Domestic Partnership

1. The equal relationship between two or more people of the same gender living together and practicing a homosexual lifestyle.
2. Domestic Relationship
3. Homosexual fuck buddies.

Neil Patrick Harris lives with David Burka in a Domestic Partnership.

-I just saw Katharine and Becky together at the gay bar.
-I didn't know they were together.
-They arn't! They are just Domestic Partners.


by iknow16 February 26, 2011

67👍 135👎