Source Code

don't trip, money grip!

Relax dude; Relax, you have cash. "Don't trip" derived from the 60's slang acid trip where drug users suffered pharma hallucinations and profound, sustained reality detachment.

Money grip is dual use term for a person generically, and also a person holding cash. From hold comes grip.

Person A: God Damn! Have you seen the price of Bubbalicious?! 35 cents? For a Pack?! Daaaaammmmn!

Person B: Don't trip, money grip! and buy me a pack of grape! Damn you're cheap. For realz and with all those benjamins clogging your ass!

by T-Beeze May 2, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don't Even Trip

Don't Even Trip - Not concerning yourself with an issue , especially when you did everything to could to keep it real with a person.

When you come to the point when you're through putting up with someone's BS, and just telling them what's really what.

P.C. told AD, "Don't even trip about your ex, I got your back."

by Sir Rey October 16, 2007

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don't even trip

Used when telling someone not to cop an attitude (emphasis on the word "even").

Girl, don't EVEN trip about Rita hookin up wit Jose.

by smelly_cat40 November 30, 2003

don't even trip

It's all good. Don't worry bout it

Tyvon left you? Don't even trip

by Giddy December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

as in don't worry about it

cuz fliped on me, i told ol' boy don't even trip

by Dolla December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

An expression used to suggest a person not to get angry.

Man Don't even trip, She only cheated on you because she's like that.

by KoVaH November 28, 2003

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don't even trip

don't worry about it- it ain't worth it

Hey man don't even trip, that hoe was askin to get knocked up.

by Jess December 1, 2003

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