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Dirty Doo Dah

To have copulation or sexual activity specificaly with domesticated and non domesticated farm animals and or incestious relations in or on a farm. This also refers to any sexualy devient activity conducted on a farm.

I am going to the farm this weekend, hopefuly we will have a good old dirty doo dah while we are there.

by Mr20Sickness March 4, 2011

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

dippity doo-dah

Serendipity; a pleasant occurrence of chance.

I just lost my glasses this morning, but lo and behold, it was by 'ole dippity doo-dah that I managed to find a pair of glasses that I can see out of even better than the ones I lost!

by pentozali January 4, 2006

11πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

diddly doo dahs

A nice word to describe feminine hygeine products.

I need to buy some diddly doo dahs at the supermarket!

by Sara Inkpen June 25, 2006

7πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


This is used as a highly ironic response to somebody's last statement in a long line of statements, usually full of boring detail, about things that are only to do with them.

Such things as the tiny little facts about their life, lover, job, achievements etc that are only interesting to the person telling about them ... but to anybody else? Nope.

From the song of the same name "zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, wonderful feeling, wonderful day"

Kevin: Well I got this new bank account and no they don't charge me for checks but of course I had to personalize the checks so I got this photo of me brushing my teeth and photoshopped my name in my mouth K-E-V-I-N one letter on each tooth from left to right or from right to left so they are don't spell NIVEK of course so you know, right, so that everybody can see it's me by name but anyway of course I don't have the letters tattooed on my teeth in real life but who knows I might just do that because it's a statement about me and you know that's a good thing, anyway as I was saying I also managed to get that same photo on the Visa card that the bank gave me too which is really cool so then..

Chuck: Well, zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Life is wonderful, ain't it?

by fronkzippo May 16, 2010

62πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Don't worry, be happy.

Alice: Oh they make me so mad! They think they can be mean to me just because I'm smaller than they are!
Caterpillar: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah.

by Katie654321 February 16, 2016

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes

A famous nickname of the Walking Dead character named Rick Grimes.

Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes is a nickname that can be used in many ways

For Example:
"Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes lost his son in The wOOOOOOOOOOdS."

by BoobHunter777 February 27, 2023

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes

The zombie hunting character invented by the overlords at Fortnite.

Drew: I wish Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes would pack my shit in with his girthy throbbing cock.

Devon: You’re such a fucking niggerfaggot.

by Kyscola January 27, 2023

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