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Dry Ice Cold

Being cooler than the coolest. cooler even than ice cold. Dry ice cold makes ice cold seem lame. Dry ice cold is extremely cold (mega extremely cooler than then ice cold).
so cool not even Naruto believes it.

The computer freezes because of coolness of being dry ice cold. The coolest is here with stylish clothes.

by HawaiianPunch1 January 10, 2010

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dry-ice bomb

Bomb made by using dry ice , hot water, and or one of the following

8oz. bottle
12 oz. bottle
1,2, and 3 liter bottles
Must be soda bottles water bottles will not work right

Q: What should we do to scare the neighbors?
A: Dry-Ice Bomb

by Masta Dragon Red July 11, 2004

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dry ice bomb

So here's what ya do. Buy some dry ice (wherever possible.) Then either find or get an empty PLASTIC bottle with the cap still there and intact. Then pour water into the bottle (the more you put in the less time you have to run), put cubes of ice in (the more you put in the less time you have and the larger the explosion), twist on cap TIGHTLY and throw immediately. Can work in any time frame from 30 sec. to 2 min., and is incredibly loud. The reason you must do it in a plastic bottle is so that glass shrapnel doesn't go anywhere and kill people.
Here's how it works:
Dry ice is so cold that it goes from a solid to a gas, skipping the liquid phase. Since gas is less dense, it will expand ALOT and will eventually explode. I have never tried it without water, but it probably would either take to long or not work

Instead of lighting off fireworks and possibly blowing your hand off, use a dry ice bomb instead.

by Wengel June 29, 2006

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dry ice kink

When you carve a dildo out of dry ice and insert it into the females pussy then chain her to the bed and let a bunch of your friends cum on her then you chop her feet off

Dude me and the ole lady had a nice dry ice kink going on last night

by Iliketocumongrannies November 29, 2017

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dry ice cool


awesome: used to indicate extreme approval or admiration ( slang ) "dry ice cool," DIC.

I am in Tokoyo, kinda cool.
Kinda cool? That is dry ice cool, Peter.
Dry ice cool?

Like about as cool as it gets (โˆ’78.5 ยฐC (โˆ’109.3 ยฐF), DIC.

by Shanna Lynn May 22, 2010

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pork-flavored dry ice cream

a phrase used to catch the attention of the relative of a member of NASA

Jen: "pork-flavored dry ice cream!"
Gage: *turns head* "oh hey Jen!"

by up_till_4/5am April 18, 2017

dry ice

dry ice (noun) (adj) (pronoun) (verb) a situation or a person that needs to be repair correctly but like a fridge that needs to replaced or purchasing a new one you just place a little "dry ice" into it instead of resolving the situation and making the situation "right its the quick fix. can describe a person on the rebound ie: not looking for a good close relationship, just something to tide you over, like a rebound. Basically a quick fix and not resolving the problem.

"my girlfriend just gave me the boot, so I am looking for a little dry ice" in the meantime. or ""My husband does not want to talk about his issues so, we are just putting a little "dry ice " on it for the meantime. This girl was just like "dry ice" to me util my girlfriend comes back to me. Nothing serious.

by SUSAN VOLKOFF August 6, 2018