Source Code


When two friends sit back to back in computer office chairs and begin masturbating at the same time. Then after a set amount of time, both turn around and fire their loads at each other.

A:"Hey dude I'm bored."
B:"Yeah, me too."
A:"Want to duel?"
B:"Sure, I love dueling!"
A:"Ready? Set. Go!"
B:"Aww man. I lost. Good game!"

by Best Friends Forever September 11, 2010

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When two episodes of the same show are on different channels at the same time

Shit, there's dueling Seinfelds on. Should I watch the one with a misunderstanding and hilarious consequences or the one where there's a misunderstanding and hilarious consequences?

by typical May 6, 2006

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Dueling Harmonica

Two individuals, undefined in orientation and/or gender, each partaking of one half of a mans penis, divided lengthwise, by means of oral suction.

After a heated arguement, they decide to compromise and perform the dueling harmonica.

Guy 1: Yo, these two babes shared my donicker last night.
Guy. 2: You mean they gave you a dueling harmonic?
Guy 1: Yeah, I guess.

by The College Board April 10, 2008

Auto Duels

Auto duels is a game on ROBLOX which is played by a load of 'toxic' players mostly looking for attention and are desperate for clout since they don't get enough at home or in school.

Person 1: 1v1 me in Auto Duels.
Girl 1: You're too irrelevant for me to duel.
Person 1: ?? wtf?
Person 1: How about you 1v1 me?
Girl 2: Get away from me you're unknown.
Person 1: โ€ฆ. ok trash bag.

by Person0000000 June 11, 2021

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Duel of the fates

1. a song made by john williams first used for the star wars phantom menace soundtrack

2. the fight between obi-wan kenobi, qui-gon jinn, and darth maul in star wars episode 1 the phantom menace

3. the fight between obi-wan kenobi and anakin skywalker in star wars episode 3 revenge of the sith

1. hey dude what are you listening to? duel of the fates.

2. and darth maul started the duel of the fates

3. the tragic duel of the fates between obi-wan and anakin

by yo yo to the ho ho June 8, 2009

Cubicle Duel

The psychological battle which ensues after becoming aware of someone in the toilet cubicle next to you and you suspect they're aware of you.

The pressure of knowing your 'opponent' can hear everything you do precipitates a battle over who can handle themselves the best in such a situation. It ultimately reflects your confidence and ability to take a shit.

While of course a cubicle duel is never discussed, certain rules can always be assumed:

1. Squeltchy farts, pebbledashing etc count against you - they simply reflect an inability to handle that Prawn Madras you had at lunch.

2. Splashback is essentially an own goal.

3. Bottling it, i.e. failing to lay anything down at all, results in instant disqualification - if you can't handle the pressure, get out of the kitchen (or shitter, as the case may be)

Cubicle duels can happen in any location, but are most likely to occur in the toilets at work, as most people don't have a cubicle-based shitting arrangement at home. When you're in a pub or club you rarely care, plus the ambient noise often drowns out the sound of detonating a 20 megaton monster fudge dragon.

This can add an extra dimension to the cubicle duel as you may know your opponent: seeing your enemy's face after you've beaten them can allow you to feel superior for the rest of the day, while having to look your defeater in the face can be hugely humiliating and may call for a half day.

<Shortly after entering a cubicle, you hear someone enter the cubicle next to you>

Your internal monologue: "Right, I've got a cubicle duel on my hands here. Must...not...make...embarassing...noises..."

Your anus: "Sqeak!"

Your internal monologue: "Fuck!"

by whomereallywho November 13, 2010

rape duel

During a simultaneous rape struggle for dominance, two rapists meet and fight each other over who is going to rape who. It can also be a sport.

Both of them got arrested for raping each other at the same time. Since they were evenly matched, there were occasions where one or the other was getting raped, and it went back and forth. It was an epic rape duel.

by ThatGuyThisGuy December 26, 2012

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