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a word used to describe a lesbian, a butch or femme lesbian, a woman who loves being with other women sexually, a carpet muncher,

Hey Jill did u know Sarah was a dyke? By the way Miss Pebbles is dyking also!

by Miss Pebbles July 27, 2003

416๐Ÿ‘ 401๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who has sexual feelings for girls

Allie is a hard core dyke

by I'll never tell na na na na na na June 24, 2005

134๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female who could kick your ass, fuck your woman, and make you eat dirt.

This is a very dangerous person. She is not to be fucked with. Unless you want to see your wife being banged around by a girl and loving it!

A dyke usually obtains some type of employment usually reserved for males such as police officer,truck driver,etc.

A dyke took my wife and left town with her.

by Cheerleader Fucker August 26, 2004

170๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A earthen slope or wall that is used to regulate water levels (levee/dike)

2) Originally used as a negative slur towards lesbians, this term has now grown to referring a specific type of lesbian. (another related word to this would be fellagirly, brought on by Elvira Kurt.) The "butch look, femme attitude" has recently taken definition to the term dyke by the LGBT community.

2b. While this is currently true, many other-generational LGBT members find dyke to be very derogatory and hurtful.

Additionally, if the word is used by an LGBT individual, it is taken as joke/description/word.
However, if a non-LGBT individual uses such a word towards a lesbian, it is thought to evoke similar reactions as would nigger to a black person (or so on and so forth)

1) Hurricane Katrina devastated the country when it broke through New Orleans' dyke.

2) One lesbian to another: "I don't really like the polar-extremed butch or femme lesbians; I more prefer the stereotypical dykes like Ellen DeGeneres, Katherine Moennig and Mandana Jones (Nikki Wade from Bad Girls)"

2b. A non-LGBT member insulting a lesbian: "Wow, you're such a dyke."

by LesbianBarbieTM December 3, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that has been reclaimed by some lesbians and queer woman as a term of empowerment.

It could be from the name Boudica (or Boadicea or Boudicca) who was a queen of the celts and was the leader of the only army to ever defeat the Romans in battle. Eventually the Romans did defeat her andher army. She was captured and died by suicide of swallowing poison.

I am dyke and proud of it.

by Anonymous October 24, 2003

68๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An embankment which is constructed to hold back a sea or a river to prevent flooding an area. It is also considered an alternate spelling to dike

2. A derogatory slur which to degrade lesbians, most likely for their masculine features. However some say the term has become a double-standard amongst lesbians in similar ways that the term nigger is used amongst black people. Just as dyke is to lesbians, the term faggot could be applied to queers as well.

1. The hurricane overwhelmed the dyke and the town suffered a massive flood in that area as a result.

2. "Pfft what's that dyke's problem? I bet she's penis-envy."

by Doodz September 20, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A reclaimed word used by all lesbians. Used within dyke circles to describe each other.

There were so many hot dykes in the club last night!

by Minges and all! April 15, 2003

70๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž