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The degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity

by chase July 21, 2003

142πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A unpredictable woman with a heart of gold. Although she may be caring and wholesome, don’t think this woman cannot hold their own and roast you harder than an incinerator.

I met this woman and she’s Entropy...

You should feel lucky but do not cross her because she will end you.

by JustAClownToAnyBody August 2, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


eNTROPY is a clothing brand new that exemplifies exactly what the word means: random. Created in Puerto Rico by Guillermo Cummings. Its use of vibrant colors, abstract art and influences raging from surfing to rock eNTROPY garners the attention of all who want to wear something different and look good at the same time. for more information look entropy over facebook.

eNTROPY shirts make a statement.

by allucinations January 10, 2010

6πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Spank the entropy

( abbrev. STE) Derivatives: Spank it; spank it hard (abbrev. SIH)

1. put in order and reduce chaos.
2. an expression of encouragement, a rally of support to handle a challenge.
3. get a grip on unruly matter and energy; overcome obstacles.
4. exerting personal will to prevent or stop deterioration of an object or situation.
5. a call to defeat the doctrine of inevitable decline and degeneration.
6. slapping the tendency of all matter and energy in the universe to decay to a state of inert uniformity.
7. looking the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the eye.

"Spank the entropy!"

"That sucks but I know you can spank it."

"I gotta spank my room it's a mess."

"He spanked the financial insolvency situation."

"Get a grip, spank it man, spank it hard."

"I'm off to spank some entropy."

A: "What an f-in mess."
B: "Well ... spank it."

by Vanna Bonta January 19, 2008

39πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Domestic Entropy

The tendency of a household to became increasingly disorganized, untidy, and unmanagable.

Rather than compress into small spaces, items tend to redistribute to evenly fill all available space (the Stuffed Animal Effect). Rather than organize into separate, homogeneous, classifiable and finite collections, items tend to mix into heterogenous open sets (the Junk Drawer Effect). Even if they are not used, without intervention items and surfaces inevitably get dirtier and not cleaner (the Crunchy Towel Effect). Partially enclosed items left unobserved for an extended period will, when retrieved for use, contain one or more dead bugs (the Cuisinart Effect). Attempts to organize specific areas will always result in some other area becoming less organized (the Spare Linen Effect).

The tendency of the household toward randomness is a feedback cycle. Disorganization leads to perceived attrition which leads to aquisition of additional items, which in turn increase the Domestic Entropy of the household (the Nine Rolls of Sticky Tape Effect).

I'm in a constant battle against domestic entropy; if I miss my chores one night before bedtime, by the next morning the house is so messy it would be easier to burn it down and build anew than to get it clean again.

by Suzanne Jackowski December 5, 2008

Slipping Into Entropy

A Batman/Joker Slash Fanfiction on livejournal by the authors Razothredfire and Loonylucifer. It is possibly the most incredible and amazing Joker/Batman fanfic out there. It is long but that just makes it better.

roomie 1: What is she doing on the computer? She has this big goofy grin plastered on her face.

roomie 2: Shes reading Slipping Into Entropy.

roomie 1: oh, the Batman/Joker fanfiction? *rolls eyes* fangirls...

Girl: *squee!* this is an amazing read so shut up!

by fangirl... ;) November 28, 2009

32πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

mess entropy

Mess entropy refers to the tendency of a room to naturally become less tidy as time progresses. May be expressed mathematically as:


where E is the mess entropy, M is the actual amount of mess, and t is a given time interval.

Regardless of a room's size, mess entropy will expand to fill it.

by Darth Ridley February 21, 2007