Source Code


A stupid, dumb, computer mistake that is more than a mistake. Happens a lot when you download a virus on Windows XP.

*stupid errors appear everywhere*
Person: Why is the computer full of error- *COMPUTER EXPLODES*
Person 2: Now that was a crappy source of nothing.

by Nomed God March 16, 2023


when something goes wrong
usually used with anything to do with computers
occors a lot on any microsoft based operating system
especially on a programming language invented by sun microsystems
particularly when you are on a deadline

you have got a redundant someshit error on line 24.

by Gunkglumb May 24, 2005

13πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


probably some hot enbys name, glitchcore or emo aesthetic, they're probably also gay

person 1: who's that
person 2: i think his name is error
person 1: if they're name is error, we'd best not be guessing their gender

by //Error April 10, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A fat, bearded man who lives in the village of Ruto. Knows about a tunnel south of the king's tomb in Mido.


by River Man May 13, 2004

111πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


A really nice guy, always happy, loves to make other happy, always trying to find love. If you ever find yourself an Error, be glad he likes you. He’s a keeper

Girl 1: Error is so adorable I love him!
Guy 1: I agree! Error is like my little brother but less annoying

by Oofer42069666 February 21, 2019

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The act of an error(n).
Causing an error.
The verb used to imply the action of error.

"For some reason The computer program keeps erroring at 70%"

by SpoR May 23, 2007

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The mysterious being ErrorS is shrouded in mysterious mystery. Nothing is known about him other than his affinity for aquatic life kept in ornate fishtanks. Oh and he's a retard sometimes.

19:14 <ErrorS> Forbes: Why Yahoo! Can't Fix Microsoft
19:14 <ErrorS> what the fuck
19:14 <ErrorS> why is everyone acting like MS is dying?
19:17 <kakle> 456 dollars a share for google, holy fawk
19:17 <ErrorS> MS shows much more profit than google does
19:17 <ErrorS> MS is seriously underrated
19:19 <ErrorS> every time they release something new
19:19 <ErrorS> there is some influx of idiot users
19:19 <ErrorS> bashing them for no fucking reason
19:20 <ErrorS> they have single handedly turned PCs into what they are
19:20 <ErrorS> they dont just deserve our respect
19:20 <ErrorS> they deserve loyalty
19:20 <ErrorS> blind loyalty
19:21 <ErrorS> guessing noone agrees
19:21 <ErrorS> well, fuck you all then

by kakleman May 6, 2007

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